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~Warning extremely triggering~
If you are highly triggering by funerals for loss of loved ones
Don't read this. Thank you.


We have a moving truck come and take our stuff to the house.

Our roommates decided it was time to live on their own. Of course we would all still be close.

Me and Colby had the mansion to ourselves.

It was now Saturday. The day of Jack and Shea's funeral.

Colby almost didn't even get out of bed today because of it.

"Baby we have to go. He is your family. They would not want you to be hard on yourself. They would want you to get up and be there not only for them, but for yourself to find peace. So please my love get out of bed. Put on your suit and tie, and be there for them." He turns to me and sits up. Red watering eyes.

"You're right." He kisses me. I hug him.

"What would I do without you. My beautiful wife." He brings me on his lap. I kiss his lips. Then all over his face. He buries his face in my neck.

"Let's do this." I get off and lead him to the closet.

The service was beautiful.

I went with Colby to put his flower on the caskets.

Colby took one look at Shea and a tear fell. Looking over at Jack another fell.

"These two are now in the place of happiness. They would not wish to you to mourn them. They would wish you to live your life, enjoying every moment, so that when it is your time. You will be reunited." Colby kissed my forehead.

"I want to call Colby Brock to say a few words." He got up and walked over there. Kat gave me Dawson. And I held him while Colby was speaking.

"It is an honor to speak for two people that mean the world to me. I do wish things could have turned out different..." He started crying. I teared up.

"I am just happy I was surrounded by people who stood by my side when they shouldn't have. I love them. I just want to say I am thankful for people like Jack and Shea. They were the world to each other and all of us... I have never been more proud of Jack for growing so much as a person. A best friend. As family. Shea and I were close. It does hurt to lose someone you care about. I didn't deserve these people. But despite that they never stopped caring for me. We always wanted to accomplish something in life. We did. We had. No, Have an unbreakable bond like no other. They will always be in our hearts..." He took another pause.

"Forever we will be grateful for these people. For Jack and Shea. Thank you." Everyone clapped. Colby came and sat by me with tears in his eyes. I kiss his cheek. He kisses my lips.

As they were lowering them in the ground Colby broke down hugging me. He kept saying.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this. You don't deserve this."

"It's okay my love, I'm here for you baby." I hold him tightly."

After the service everyone met at out house.

I can't breathe. I feel like a part of me is missing.

"Colby come talk to me up stairs."
I follow Sam. We go to his old room and close it. He hugs me and I break down.

"Colby I know it's hard. I know. We will get through it. Like we always have. We have always made it through the hard times together. ALWAYS and forever I will try my best to fill that empty part in your soul."

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