Tell me, is it true?

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"Is this the day?" He looked at me nodding.

"I can just say I had you over last night." I face palm.

"Whatever it takes." The door opens.

"Colby, come on- Hello?" He makes eye contact with me.


"Dad." He looks at me like, he know what I'm gonna say.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." We laughed.

I shook my head.

"She is actually part of, us." He nods.

"Like the family? Is she?" He doesn't mind it.

I shake my head.

"Down in five." I stop him.

"Actually Dad, I wanna ask you something." He looks at me waiting for me to talk.

"She is Jordan's friend. I wanna ask if she can come along with us. Is that okay?"

"Only, if she knows what she's doing." He walks out.

"Jordan doesn't even know who I am right now." I glare at him.

"Not yet. He will talk to you. He fell in love with you. Use that to your advantage." I know it'll help us. The timeline might fuck up. Especially, if i try to bring myself in the equation years before he actually find out about me.

"There are a lot of things this can change, Colby. I can't show up." He stares at the ground.

"We can disguise you. Change your whole appearance. He won't ever know."

"Its not permanent. I'm with it. Wait, if I'm here now, where was i to begin with on this day? I wasn't with you. So, where was I?"

"I don't know. This is...the appearance he fell for." I look awkwardly at the ground.

"No. It was your heart."

"What about his heart?"

"Are we back to this again?"

"You can't just break it like that."

"Everything will go back-"

"That's the thing. It's permanent. We are making permanent change. I should not be here. I should be wherever I was in the present day. This way nothing is that different."

"Y/n! We need to save our kids. We can't do that, if you can't make this sacrifice."

"We have to think how this will effect my ability. Homecoming. Dawson. The new baby."

"We can split. We can make sure we keep in touch. If we want this to work we need to be where we were. If not it can change everything."

"You're right. I'm sorry." How would that even be possible.

"We need to meet time."

Ŧ̫̫Ħ̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Δ̫̫Đ̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Ø̫̫¥̫ (Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now