The Guilt

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There are moments where things are bad.

They go from bad to worse in the snap of your fingers.

You realize you screwed up, but can't change the past.

Even worse. The past is the reason for all the happenings in the present.

The present is the reason for all the happenings in the future.

In the present there is nothing you can do to change the fact that your wi- girlfriend. Probably now ex. Is now in danger for something that was again your fault. There's nothing you can do after that.


I can't move.... I can't... breathe.

The only thing I can see clearly is the grey sky and the rain beating down on me.

I could feel something wet that surrounded my baby bump.

I touched my baby bump and look at my hands to see blood.

I then look at the sky that was still grey and rainy. I realize it could be too late.

I screamed her name untill my throat was on fire.

"Y/N!!!!!" My heart jumping out of my chest. I rush out of Jakes room and down the stairs. Everyone followed.

I tumble down the stairs, but get right back up.

I run out the door and I see her. She looked pale and my first reaction was to pick her up and drive her to the hospital.

She had blood running down her legs. The shirt she was still in from this morning now soaked in the blood. Jake went in the car with me. As much as I wanted to kill him right now, I needed someone to make sure she was okay while I was driving. I would probably crash if not.

I tried to stay calm but everything was attacking me in my head. It was getting hard to bear. I did not realize I was crying. She then starts screaming from the top of her lungs.

"You'll be okay Y/N just breathe." Jake said. She was starting black out.

"Colby hurry!" He yells also crying. I step on the gas and rush my way through town.

We make it and right away we rush her through the hospital doors.

"HELP!" Jake yells. Im trying to run as fast as I can with her in my arms. They take her in right away. I run and try and follow her.

"Sir we can't have you in here." The doctor says. Jake holds me back and I push him out of my way. I ran to the waiting room and sat down. We had nothing to say to each other. We both had tears running down our faces.

"Colb-" I cut him off.

"Don't" I say with my voice cracking.

"Look you can be mad at me all you want. I care about her more than you being mad at me for something that was your fault." I stood up and so did Jake.

"Okay yes I cheated on her but what did you do? You do not try and pin this all on me. You know you wanted her before she even moved to California."

"Yeah I am in love with her. I am so in love with her that the thought of you taking her for granted pisses me off." I sat down again and put my hands over my face. We got silent.

"I know this is my fault. You were right she deserves someone who wouldn't put her through this. She deserves the world. Im not right for her. Even worse.. Im not even fit to be a father. I really do care about her and the baby. I was just so caught up with the fact that it possibly wasn't mine that I let it control me and my words got the best of me. I neglected her. She was worried. I didn't show her the love she needed. I didn't protect her." Jake was still there crying.

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