Before Its Too Late

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I knew exactly what these guys were trying to pull.

He's probably here right now because, I'm basically defenseless without my vision.

I still won't let him near her.

"Jack nice to see you again." He says. His minions surrounded us. Old friends of mine.

Most likely he don't trust many people.

I guess...Crazy thing I knew all of them. I could recognize their voices except for one.

"No fuck all that," I say,

"Why the hell are you here Jordan?"

"Im here to take what I need."

"There is nothing for you here. Your baby isn't even alive Jordan."

"Actually It is."

"W-What do you mean?" Y/N says.

"I had the doctors tell you it was gone sweet heart, so you would lose your guard, well by what I could...See" He laughed I was starting to get pissed off. Dickhead.

"And now here we are. Haven't you noticed your baby bump hasn't gone away? The baby survived, and is still healthy. Nothing happened to it. Soooo Colby I'll make you a deal. If you let me take her off your hands, I'll leave you, Jack, and Shea alone. I'll let you go about your day. Like this event never took place."


We cant just give her away like that Jordan is crazy.

"That wont be happening. So keep wishing." I look at Colby, and he's looking around like normal, and I'm guessing he could see now.

The doctor said there was that small chance his vision would come back itself.

How does this just randomly happen?

First Y/n now him?

Crazy shits going down today.


Out of nowhere my eyes slowly become less blurry until I see. 20/20.

Y/n is standing right next to me, and you could tell she was freaking out.

I rip off my IV ignoring the blood now flowing making its way down to my arm and then say,

"She will never love you, get that through your damn head." l
Looking him straight in the eyes.

"Its not that easy Colby, You see, just like you I'm in love with her, and with me she will eventually have to learn to love me, or you.." He chuckles.

"Well you know what happens Colby." One of his guys pulls my arm. I elbow the guy in the stomach and punch him in the face. Jack has to help Shea getting choked out.

Y/n is taken by his minion, and I'm just trying to get to her but am pinned down.

Shea takes one of the knifes from my hospital dinner plate and cuts the man's throat open. He falls on the floor drowning in his own blood.

Jack gets his hands on one of the guns and shoots most of them down.

While the ones holding me down were busy fighting Jack, and Shea. I roll on the hospital bed grab the fire extinguisher and let it rip. All of them are trying to breathe.

Me, Jack, and Shea run out to the the the roof of the hospital where they took Y/N and they were putting her on a helicopter. She was fighting back, but she had no chance with a gun to her head.

She was pushed in and they started making their way off the roof.

Y/N screamed.

"Colby!!!" I get ready to do something crazy something I might regret.

"Colby no don't do it!" Jack says. I ignored.

"You know what to do Jack!" He hesitated but then ran down the stairs to get out of the hospital. No one. I repeat. NO ONE messes with the love of my life.

I started running as the helicopter was taking off. I ran faster and faster then jumped It was like I was in slow motion I had jumped off the edge I bearly made it on the helicopter.

I could now see the city under my feet. I tried to hold on. One slip of my fingers, I could fall to my death.


I was in the helicopter and a tear runs down my cheek. Then I see something I didn't expect. Colby ran and jumped on the helicopter.

I tried to act as if nothing happened so that he could get to me.

Eventually they noticed. Jordan the asshole that's trying to kidnap me, signaled the one controlling this.

A signal something I didn't know that was untill the helicopter was flipped to its side..

I could see Colby hanging for dear life. I hear him yell.


They turned the helicopter to its side, and I was trying so hard not to look down, and not fall at the same time. I yell,

"Fuck!" Because one of my hands slip. I brace myself for climbing to the helicopter doors, when they put the helicopter off its side. I grab onto the helicopter door and open it I see y/n.

She pulls me in the helicopter and I shoot the flyer. Jordan goes and flies the helicopter.

He turns it to its side making me and Y/n fall out of the helicopter. I grab the handle connected to the bottom of the copter. I grab Y/N's hand before she falls. I tell her,

"Do you trust me?!" She looks at me and says,


"I'm gonna let go!"

"Are you out of your fucking mind!?"

"Trust me!" She looks down then looks up at me.

"Okay, I trust you Colby!" I let go of her hand and she falls. She screams.

"Ahh!!!!" Jack comes in a jet she falls into it.

"Ahh shit!" I say looking down then I then jump, and fall in the jet almost missing but make it.

We are now safe. Jordan makes his way away from us we fly to safety. Y/N runs to me.

"You're fucking crazy! You saved me you all saved me!" She yells. She hugs me and laughs.

"I love you Colby Brock!!" I smile and look down.

"Y/N" I say. 

"Yeah Colby" she says holding on to me. 

"Will you marry me?" She starts tearing up smiles and nods.

"Yes I will marry you Cole Robert Brock" She kisses me.

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