The Way It's Supposed to be

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Something that you have to know to conserve. If not then you are left with regret and misery.

I am wishing I could have more time, but realize more cannot be given. Everything you took for granted cannot be changed. Like your newborn son. I took him for granted and he only has so many hours to live.

Am I scared? yes. Am I regretting everything? yes.

Is it too much to handle? yes again.

Yes to most of the questions that involve me taking my sons life for granted.

Yes I am fucking guilty. It is just a hard pill to swallow.

"M-my baby?" I was trying to process this. Y/N was crying. I was trying to comfort her and she asked,

"Will our baby be okay?.."

"Yes" I seen them bring the baby in. They asked if we wanted to see him.

"Your baby is going to be alright."

"What about the machines going off?Why did they go off?"

"The baby had problems with the liver and heart but they should be taken care of now. Your baby is going to live. This is a miracle child." They handed me him. I had tears running down my cheeks. At this moment we didn't even care about our fight. We now knew that our son was going to be okay.

"Hey little guy. I'm your dad." I say so proud to say I am the father.

"He looks like you Colby." Y/N says, tears running down her face also. He did he had my eyes. Bright blue like the ocean.

"Hi I am your mama. We are going to take good care of you."

"We love you." She looks at me nods then kisses my lips. At that moment I knew we were gonna be okay. I am going to cherish her. I am going to cherish this baby. A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I felt at peace. No matter how much stress I have. I love her. I love him. We finally had the family we wished for.

She was looking at her stomach and seen bandages all across her belly from the emergency c-section.
After spending time with the baby all day he fell asleep. Me and Y/N were talking about our future with our newborn son. I was Laying in the bed with her.

She then she speaks.

"Colby." I turn to her our lips almost touching.

"I love you..Just know I am not okay with what you did,but I cannot lose you. I love you too much to let someone I love entirely go. I can't bear a life without you. You are a piece of me that I never want to lose."

"I love you too..What I did was wrong. I swear to you I will never..EVER..cheat again. I got so caught up with that possibilty of Jordan being the father that I was forgetting that you and him mean so much to me." She looks down at the baby.

"He is a miracle. We have to take care of him. Jordan might still think there's a chance he is the father. He isn't. You are which is such a relief." She looks at me then looks at the baby.

"Im sorry I dragged you into this Y/N. I'm screwed up and I know that. I never meant to hurt you and I did. I am apologizing for everything. Not only for cheating on you. I'm sorry for setting you up and putting you through all of that. Just for everything including the fact that you weren't sure whether I would be alive after having to fight." I say messing with my hands.

"We are all screwed up somehow. Even I am screwed up. It wasn't okay for me either to kiss Jake. I know that. Doing the setup wasn't your true self. You were just worried people would hate you and I would know what its like being hated. Look I wanted to be around you all those years because I had the biggest possible crush. I don't know.. I just been thinking about the past and feel like the the reason I never did things and went out was because of things at home. I started a YouTube channel to do better in life, and just be happy and It's okay. I am just happy I met you because without you I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now with Dawson."

"Is that what are we gonna name the baby?" I say kissing her shoulder.

"I like that name." She says

"Dawson Andrew Brock. That's the one." She says smiling. The nurse comes in and asks us what we want to name the baby. We both look at each other.

"Dawson Andrew Brock." We say at the same time. A couple days later she was released from the hospital.

Welcome to the world Dawson Andrew Brock..
I will do whatever it takes to protect you. I love you son..


Im now out of the hospital. Colby was getting all the "Congratulations!" gifts.

"Colby!" Colby runs to the car that I was in.

"What happened?!" and I say,

"He yawned!" I squeal. He laughs and kisses my forehead. Before he left I say,

"Hey Bad Boy..." He gives a sexy smirk.

"Give me another kiss." I say. He put down the basket and ran to me and kissed me our lips moving in sync. I stopped and bit my lip.

"Ready?" He says, in a seductive voice. It might have been his regular voice but, FUCK it drives me crazy.

"Time to go home." I say
I rolled the window down and as we drove through town. I admired the city. We then make it to the mansion and open the door for everyone to yell...

"Surprise!" We hugged everyone and said thank you and let them look at the baby. I tried to find Jake and he was sitting on the couch. Jake greets me and says,

"Hi look i'm sorry.. Things didn't turn out do well and that's my fault... Can we just be friends? I don't want things to be weird."

"That's fine Jake. I didn't want us to be mad at each other. You are like a best friend to me." I turn around and Colby comes over and says,

"Thank you, for being there for me and her. Just keep your mouth off of my girl's mouth."

"Done" Jake says Colby goes and gets me some punch. I hug Jake.

"Just friends okay?" He nods and we go and see where Colby is at. I see him getting punch and some girl walks up to him saying,

"Hey baby" I look at Jake and say,

"WATCH MY BABY." He had the baby in the stroller. I use my crutches and go towards the girl and Colby. He takes my hand. I start making out with him and he kisses back. He lifted me up bridal style making my crutches fall on her foot.

"OW! Whatever." She says walking away. I stop and Colby looks at me.

"You are mine and only mine." I say leading him to the baby and Jake.

"Thank you Jake."

"What?" He says he wasn't paying attention because he was admiring the baby. We all go to the living room and take pictures with the roommates.

"What's his name?" Devyn says,


"HE IS SO CUTE!" Jakes looks at him and smiles.

"He is adorabs." Jake says in a girly voice. Then corey

"Yasss gurlllll!" Then Colby,

"Yassss!"Then Aaron,

"YAAAAASSS" at this point I am dying of laughter. Sam then joins in.

"Yassss!" Me Kat and Devyn were laughing. Then all of us together say,

"YAAASSSS!!" It was a good day. We all laughed and talked even when everybody left and me and Colby were holding the baby. So were the roommates..

"Guys thank you for everything this was amazing."

"No problem guys. You guys are family now." We hear a knock on the door. Colby jumps up. Since they all know about Jordan they were all cautious and all the guys went with him.

We open the door and see......Addie

"Hey Colby." She says,

"Holy Shit." I say.

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