The End? Final Chapter

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~Moment of truth traveling~


I don't recall blinking my eyes.

One minute I was driving listening to my wife and then boom out of nowhere.

All I know is that I was away from Y/n.

I didn't know if she was safe or not.

I look around me in awe of what I was seeing.

What surrounded me was crystal.

"Where the fuck am I?" I whisper.

"Good question, In a dimension. A dimension I created. I live here." The man looks at me. He seems calm. So's almost dangerous.

"Why am I here? Where is my wife Y/n?" He smiles and starts laughing.

"What the hell is so funny!?" I yell and get up in his face. He gets closer and whispers in my ear.

"The fact that you think I have any intention to hurt your family." He pats my shoulder.

"I have a message for you." He starts walking over to the crystal and it becomes transparent.

He grabs my arm pulling me in. Behind was a mansion. He goes over to his kitchen decorated in glass.

"Take a seat. It's safe I promise. I cursed it to never break."


I follow him cautiously.

"Architecture is gorgeous. Too bad my father was gone. Not paying the bills so I could go to school. Have something as cool as this. That was until I realized what an asshat he was. So I left. As much as I didn't want to leave her behind."

"How do you know my name? What message?" He rolls his eyes smiling.

"If you stop talking, maybe, I'll tell you. Time has stopped while you are in here. There are no worries. Chill out for a second." He playfully punches my shoulder, then grabbing two wine glasses from his cabinet.

He pours some champagne into a glass, placing it on the transparent table. I see his body turn from foggy to 3 dimensional. Like normal.

"I play off as this dude who just is so wise. In reality, I am just as normal as you are. Almost. Sorry if you expected me to be wearing a cloak or something. " He takes a big glup.

He hands me a glass.

"I mean your ability to time travel is important. You have been trusted with this gift. Some days you wish you weren't. That's understandable."

I drink from it. I start feeling numb then all of a sudden I get an adrenaline rush.

"What did you put in this?" He continues drinking.

"A potion. It saves you from being killed by bullets." I look at him confused.

"Ever felt like a single bullet could ruin you?" He ties his glass at me.

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