Never Turn Back

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They knew of Jordan killing so many people. What they didn't know is that he was my brother.

It hurt when I fully realized he was gone.

I am responsible for Colby's father's death. I'm responsible for Jordan falling in love with y/n.
I helped them kill Jordan. I didn't realize what I had lost at the time. I lost family.

Do I regret my mistakes?


Will I change?


I have to live out the legacy. Not that I have no choice.

This our story.....My family story.

I call my brother. Also known as Jordan's twin...

"Joey dad's gone...Jordan's gone.. It's our turn now."

"As long as I know my family is gonna be safe." He says

"Who's that on the phone baby?"
I hear in the background.

"We are going on a trip Alison."

I always wanted a family. I never had one because I was never loyal. I always had the worst taste in guys. Not with Colby.

I was pregnant by him and I lost the baby. It was expected. I was under a lot of stress with my family. Hopefully one day I can.

Warning can be triggering

"Kids today I'm gonna show you how to be like me." My father said.

We lived in California for a while. We had a huge mansion.

Despite what we had, we we're all broken over what our lives ended up as. Mostly because of the childhood we had living under my father's roof.

I was the only daughter. I had more strict rules than my two brothers. It was because I was the youngest and the weakest.

That day he taught us EVERYTHING he knew.

Years after when we were in our teen years. He became more and more cruel as the years passed.

"Dad? Where is mom?"
He looked sad but also looked like he had no care in the world for her well being. That possible?

My mother was my best friend.

"She's gone. She isn't coming back the sooner you realize that the better."

"You killed her.." I said coldy. My brothers stood by me just in case he tried beating me. He was very abusive.

"I did. You only need a father. She disagreed with the way I run things so now she is dead."

I punched him. He looked at me shocked then tried swinging hitting Jordan instead. Jordan pushed him down. They had an all out fight.

Jordan had a bad habit of feeling bad during a fight and surrendering. He had multiple scars on his back from my dad's punishments. They were mainly for standing up to him.

We then came to the conclusion that we should just over all avoid my father. Due to our pain we turned to drugs. Started having sex. Drugs were obviously just provided for us considering our father was the leader. We only communicated when we could hurt someone else.

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