Blood Spilled, Eyes Sealed

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Do you ever get that feeling.

The feeling of adrenalin and fear rushing through your veins.

That feeling that your whole life could change, and everything
Adds up to that one moment.

The moment that you lose yourself, and you are afraid you wont ever find yourself again...


"Y/N!" I yell not able to see what's going on in front of me, I'm blind!

"I cant see! where is Y/N!"

"Shea call 911!" Jack says,

"What's going on?!" My heart was beating out of my chest, and my body felt like it was on fire, but I still continued to scream her name, hoping for her to answer.


"Y/N are you okay??!"

No answer.


Colby went blind and I wasn't able to use the right words to explain to him what was happening, because I was devastated myself. This was so fucked.

She flew out the car windshield, and there was blood. So much blood.

I was afraid she wasn't gonna make it. I try to talk to Colby.

"Are you okay? Can you see anything??"

"Jack I cant see! wheres Y/N?!" Over and over he said her name.

"Y/N!..Y/N!!..Y/N!!" I don't know what to say or do. Shea gets out of the car and tries to help Y/N.

I tell Colby to wait inside he says,

"Where is she?!" I get out of the car and once I get out. I realized we crashed into nothing?

How can that be? Hit and run.. Dumb Bastards. I look at the front of the car. The windshield, and she is lying there losing alot of blood. She's laying there looking dead, like the life of her was drained, as there was no sight of life near.

The ambulance gets here and I'm relieved, but only for a second, because I remember Y/N could have lost the baby, and she could possibly die, but if she did wouldn't that be best?

Im such an awful person.
Even in the begining. I've been rude to her and cruel.

What kind of sick person would do that to her?

At the hospital.

Im in the hospital. Im waiting for them both to get out of surgery. Shea is with me. We talk as we worry and wait. I figet and walk back and fourth.

I can't do this.

"They'll be okay Jack" Shea says,

"Y/N went through a windshield, and somehow Colby is blind. You don't get to tell me that they are okay."

"Jack you know what?! I've been trying to help you guys! I've been trying to help! The least you can do is respect me for saving their asses from possibly the worst life they could live! So I'm sorry if I offended you!"

"Oh saving them? Right. You were probably just leading us right to them Shea! And because we decided to trust you, They are lying in a O.R with tubes down their throats!" She slaps me.

"I was trying to better myself, and save someone instead of getting them killed!" She walks away, and I follow. She walks into an empty room and I run in and pin her against the wall.

"I understand you were trying to help!" Then my emotions took over.

"I'm just stressed out." I let go and sit in one of the chairs with my face in my hands. Shea walks towards me and says, "I understand."

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