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I don't know why but I have this bad feeling

For some reason after I seen Collin I couldn't help but get this feeling in my stomach. I felt fear and shock. I felt everything I usually feel when I realize something is off.

It's just a feeling right?

"So you are getting married?" I say.

Me and Rachelle left the boys downstairs, while I checked on Dawson.

"Yeah, me and him have been talking. It happened fast, but when you are in love it doesn't matter how long you have known the person. It just matters how you feel about each other." She smiles.

"Well I'm happy for you...Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know I just, I just need some getting used to. I've been isolated. With no other social contact. I was gonna surprise you this way." She started tearing up.

"I'm proud of you. You found someone you want to spend the rest of your days with. You found a way out and now you are safe. You can be free. I'm rooting for you the whole way."

"How long have you been in Los Angeles?" I say.

"A couple months. Met Rachelle maybe two months ago. Doesn't matter. I could not wait to ask her to marry me." He pours another glass of wine.

"That's amazing." I smile. I spot my mom smiling at me. She has been bothering me about Y/n and I's wedding. Ever since she got freed.

"So COLBY." Here we go. I genuinely think we have this figured out already. There's no need for her to meddle now.

"When are you and y/n gonna plan the wedding?"

"Mom we decided today that we were going to start planning."

"So you guy's aren't married?"

"No I just already see, and consider her as my wife."

"That's cute. Hey how about we go on a double date tonight. You can get a baby sitter for your baby. We can celebrate our soon to be marriages." That sounds nice. I just can't trust many people. With Dawson that is. The people I can trust is our past roommates. The trap house as we called it.

"Sounds great." Rachelle comes down stairs walking over to Collin. He kisses her cheek.

"So we will see you tonight." We exchanged our numbers and they we're on their way. My mom said her good byes and left with them.

"So we are going on a double date tonight. We gotta call the roommates to see if they can babysit for us." She nods.

Later on..

"When did Kat say she was coming?"

"At six." I smile. The smile then fades.

"What's wrong?" She walks towards me.

"I'm not used to everything being okay. It just feels like another thing is gonna go wrong."

"Everything is gonna be okay. I promise." She kisses me.

"If something does go wrong... We know how to deal with it."

Six o'clock...

"They're here." We say goodbye to Dawson praying that everything goes okay tonight.

We go to the restaurant it's all super fancy. We spot Rachelle and Collin across the room.

"Hey Rachelle" She hugs me. She squirms as if I hurt her.

"You okay?" I tell her. She nods.

"So Colby we were looking to see if you guys would be apart of the wedding. You can be my best man. She can be this one's Maid Of Honor."

This one's? Little rude towards Rachelle. She gets up. He glares at her.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom. Let's go Rachelle." I take her arm not really caring what Collin's reaction is.

"Talk to me what's going on." She goes into a stall and closes it.

"It's nothing Y/n just let it go."

"Is he hurting you because if he is I will put him in a grave." She gets quiet.

"I am happy we are both happy. End of discussion." She goes to wash her hands and the makeup on her wrists and hands go away. I can see hand marks, As if he grabbed her aggressively by her wrists.

"I'm confronting him." She pulls me.

"No I am never going to get a chance at love like this again. Don't ruin what I have with him."

He's acting weird but I ignore it. If something is wrong he would say something. If something was wrong with Rachelle she would tell Y/n.

Ŧ̫̫Ħ̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Δ̫̫Đ̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Ø̫̫¥̫ (Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now