It Will Never End

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Its crazy how so many things happen in one day but only two moments are wins.

The wins do make you feel amazing though. One might be idk.. lets say.. jumping out of a helicopter and SURVIVING , Or Two.. having the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE agree to marry you.

That's the biggest win and the best feeling. Except when things go down hill. Again...It just takes a second for everything to screw up.

Me and Y/N get to her place then get my stuff and grab hers. We decided we still were going to California because of that small chance of him coming back.

I wasn't about to take that chance even if that is the name of my merch(take chances) that's not a good chance to take.

We do have to tell her mom about the baby, but we will have to stretch the truth a bit.

I have a place to go with her me including; Sam, Jake, Aaron, Corey, Devyn, Me, and Y/N.

I was planning to move to California after graduation.

Were now gonna go together, Now that im gonna marry her.

I will always provide for her. I have a stable YouTube channel we will be fine.

We won't have to worry about money or anything. She does not need to stress about it, especially because of the life living inside of her.

In Y/N's house...


"Mom! I missed you so much!"

"Hi sweetie hows my new graduate doing?"

"Im good mom."

"Why haven't you come to visit?"

"I know I haven't there's just been some things going on.."
She hugs me and notices my belly.

"Y/N?..." Colby comes out of the car and says


"Colby?" she says,

"Mom-" I say

"Its okay Y/N" I knew this wouldn't be good but we had to tell her. I lead them to the couch.
Colby and I sit together.

"Mom I have something to tell you, and I don't want you to freak out just know I love you." Colby then speaks.

"When me and your daughter went to prom we did have fun and dance and stuff there was an after party that only me and her were at." I pinch him so he knows not to go too deep into detail.

"Ow!" I give him a look

"Me and Colby..Well a couple days later I was feeling sick and took a pregnancy test and Im pregnant."

"Y/N.." I could tell she was disappointed. It would be even worse if we told her everything that happened the full truth.

"Im disappointed. I thought you would be smart about this and use protection but I do want grandchildren and I still love you Honey. I do know that Colby will be an amazing father to your baby."

"And you Y/N will be a great mother." I hug her. Colby does too.

"Take care of my daughter out there okay? She is precious to me.. and make sure to visit when its born let her come see her grandma. " She says to Colby. I hug him and he kisses my forehead.

We say our final goodbyes and head out after grabbing some more things.

Just as we were going to the car I stop her and we have a little talk..

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