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A/N: Another Freya comes back from the dead and Merlin thinks it's a trick.
Don't like? Put it in the complaint box. "Where's the complaint box?" You ask.
There isn't one.
Suffer in silence.

Setting: Post series four finale

Description: Arthur, Merlin and the knights are out on a hunting trip (honestly they shouldn't go hunting anymore) to get their minds off things. Also it's kinda short so sorry.

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin but I am willing to march on those that do and demand that they take back the series five finale ending.

Merlin sighed, gathering up the used bowls as Arthur made a joke about his manservant's clumsiness. Gwaine sat next to the king, a grin on his face. Percival and Elyan were on the opposite side of the campfire, laughing at a joke. Leon sat by himself, watching the flames flicker.

        "I still don't know how you manage to trip every time we got near an animal, Merlin." Arthur said as Merlin picked up his bowl.

        "I didn't trip every time." Merlin pointed out indignantly. Gwaine chuckled, elbowing Arthur's arm jokingly.

        "No, let's not forget the time that you sneezed!" He said, making Merlin turn slightly red. Even Leon laughed this time, and Merlin turned away, his arms full of dishes. Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

        "Who are you?" Elyan spoke up. Merlin whirled around to find all the knights staring at a girl. She was standing there, wearing an oddly familiar burgundy dress. Her brown eyes were filled with sorrow as she stared at the knights, but then her gaze settled on Merlin.

        The bowls fell the ground with a loud clatter.

        The knights all jumped in surprise, staring at Merlin, who was staring coldly at the girl. The girl stepped forward, but thought better when she noticed the expression on Merlin's face, along with the knights reaching towards their swords. Merlin continued to stare at the girl, his normally kind blue eyes hard.

        "Who. Are. You?" His voice was hard. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows, but turned back to the girl.

         "Yes, I would like to know that as well." He said.

         "Whoever she is, she's lovely." Percival rolled his eyes at Gwaine's comment, and the mood lightened slightly. But it quickly shifted back to a dark one when the sound of Arthur's sword being drawn could be heard. Yet, Arthur wasn't the one holding the weapon.

       It was Merlin.

       He stepped forward, sword pointed at the girl threateningly.

       "Merlin," Leon started. "She hasn't done anything wrong." Merlin ignored the knight, keeping his gaze trained on the girl.

        "Who are you?" Merlin repeated. "Did Morgana send you? Is this supposed to be some kind of cruel trick? How dare she use you- her against me." His voice was nothing short of a snarl, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of the knights. They had never seen Merlin like this.

         "What would Morgana have to do with this?" Elyan muttered, receiving no answers. The girl stared pleadingly at Merlin.

         "Merlin, listen to me." The fact that she knew Merlin made the knights gape in shock. "Merlin, it's really me."

         "No!" Merlin choked out. "No, it's not!" He pressed the blade against her neck, his hands shaking. He couldn't let himself have false hope, he couldn't let himself lose her again.

         "Merlin, what's going on?" Arthur asked, concerned.

         "Merlin, Morgana didn't send me. It's really me." The girl pleaded, and a few tears fell down Merlin's face.

         "The Freya I knew and loved died in my arms!" Arthur sucked in a breath, glancing at Gwaine in confusion. The knight seemed just as shocked. "You can't be her!" Merlin was trembling. The girl- Freya was silent for a moment.

          "I want that more than anything." She whispered, and Merlin let out a strangled gasp. "Where would we go?" The sword fell to the ground.

         "Somewhere with mountains." His voice was thick with emotion, but it held a small sense of hope.

         "A few fields."


        "A couple of cows."

         "And a lake." Merlin finished.

        "And a lake." Freya repeated. She lunged at Merlin, enveloping him in a hug. Merlin held tight onto her, before pulling back to stare at her face. Merlin placed a soft kiss on her lips, and she returned it eagerly.

        "How?" Merlin croaked after they had broke apart.

        "I'll tell you everything." She promised, before glancing over his shoulder at the gaping men. "When we're alone." Gwaine was the first to shake himself out of his shock, and he walked up to the two. Merlin wrapped an arm around Freya's waist as the knight grasped Freya's hand, kissing it.

       "My name is Sir Gwaine." He said with a grin.

       "Freya." She replied, unfazed. Gwaine's smile grew wider as he faced Merlin.

       "I don't suppose you'd share?" Merlin turned red at the comment as Freya giggled.


        "Alright, alright." Gwaine raised his hands in mock surrender, shooting a wink at Freya. The knight glanced at Arthur, who was still trying wrap his mind around what had happened. "If you don't close your mouth, princess, you're going to catch flies." Arthur snapped back into focus, blinking rapidly.

        "Arthur," Merlin began nervously. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know, just ask." The king opened his mouth. He had a million questions, the most important ines being:

        If she was dead, how is she here now?

        Why didn't you tell me your love died?

         What killed her?

         But none of those came out. Instead, Arthur blurted out, "How did you end up with someone so- so beautiful?!"

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