Not A Liability

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A/N: Well, here's the protective knights oneshot RedHoodOutlaw actually wanted! Sorry it took so long to post again! I can't believe I haven't posted in practically a month.

Setting: During late season four.

Description: It only takes one mistake to make them realize just how important Merlin is to them.

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Merlin.

Like most things, it had started out as an ordinary day. Merlin had woken up late, rushed to Arthur's chambers, and was greeted by a grumpy king. Insults were exchange, threats were made, and a few stray goblets were thrown.

Then came those horrible words.

"Prepare my things, Merlin. We're going hunting today." The manservant didn't even bother suppressing his groan of disappointment. Arthur raised an eyebrow as he pulled his shirt over his head. "You disapprove?"

"You know I don't like the killing of animals, Arthur."

The king rolled his eyes. "I should've known you would say such girly things, Merlin. I don't know why you make such a big deal about it! When has anything bad ever happened on a hunting trip?" Merlin fixed him with a pointed stare.

"How about we start with the countless number of bandit attacks? Or the time you almost got gored by a boar?" He began counting them on his fingers. "Or the time I almost got gored by a different boar?"

"I'm starting to wish it hadn't missed."

"Or," Merlin continued as if Arthur never spoke. "The time you killed a unicorn and cursed the entire kingdom-"

"Alright, that's enough!" Arthur snapped. He sighed, rubbing his eyes in frustration. "Look, Merlin, if something bad happens on this trip, I'll give you the day off, alright? Besides," he walked over, slapping Merlin on the back in a friendly manner. "The knights will be coming with us, so we'll keep you safe!"

Merlin groaned.

Well, at least he was getting a day off in the near future.


"-and that's why I'm no longer allowed in the taverns of Mercia." Gwaine finished his story with a flourished bow. At least, as well as he could bow from the top of his horse. Which wasn't very well considering he fell from the saddle, and landed on the ground with a thud and a groan. Merlin bit back a laugh at the sight, but Arthur and the other knights held no sympathy, and burst out laughing. Gwaine rolled his eyes as he picked himself up from the dirt path and brushed his chain mail off.

"Well done, Gwaine! That was a great ending to your story." Elyan called back towards his friend, as the others continued riding on. Merlin pulled his horse back, coming to a halt next to Gwaine. The two watched as the others rode on, though slowly in order to not get too far.

"It was a good story." Merlin said with a smile.

Gwaine grinned back, grabbing the reins of his horse. "They're just jealous, that's all. They wish they could experience half the things I do."

"Oh, I'm sure that's it." Suddenly, Merlin stiffened. All traces of laughter disappeared from his expression as his magic screamed at him in warning.

"Merlin?" Gwaine whispered, noting his best friend's serious expression.

"Get down!" Merlin yelled. He dove off his horse towards Gwaine, knocking the knight back to the ground.

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