Soul Mark

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A/N: A sort of Soulmate AU I guess? This one is gonna be mainly Freylin, but I will do other ones for other ships is requested. Also it's kinda short so beware.

Setting: There really ain't one. Any time after 2x09/ Arthur's coronation

Description: Everyone has a soul mark. Whether a shape or a name, they have one. Arthur, Gwen, and the knights want to know what Merlin's is.

Disclaimer: I don't own this beautiful franchise

       Soul Marks. They were the one magic that Uther could never outlaw, no matter how much he wanted to. Everyone had one, save for the few poor, unfortunate souls that were born without it. A few would have names, etched in gold somewhere on their body.

Most had symbols, representing who their soulmate was.

No life is without sadness, however. If you had a symbol, and your soulmate died, the mark would take on the appearance of a brand, seared into your skin forever.

With a name, if your soulmate died before you met them, the name would fade to red. If you had met your soulmate, and had the misfortune of having them ripped from you, the name would fade to a dark, horrible black.


"Come on, princess!" Gwaine hollered, settling down on the other side of the campfire. "What's your soul mark?" Arthur rolled his eyes, ignoring the knight.

"It's a purple crown." Merlin stated triumphantly, receiving a glare from the king.

"How do you know?" Elyan asked, directing his question at Merlin.

Merlin grinned. "I dress him every day. It's hard to miss it." Chuckles rippled through the group at Arthur's discomfort.

Gwaine turned to one of the other knights, curious. "What do you have, Percy?" The large knight shrugged in resignation, before pulling off his boot. On his ankle, there was a small sun that spiraled across his skin. Gwaine turned an expectant look towards Leon, and the man sighed, knowing what he was going to ask.

"I've actually already met her." Leon started slowly, rolling up his sleeves. An intricate rose was there, its bright red petals contrasting against his skin. "And no, Gwaine," he said at the look on the knight's face. "I'm not telling you about her." Gwaine gave a disappointed sigh, before giving Elyan a pointed look.

Elyan chuckled, shaking his head. "That's something you'll have to figure out yourself someday." He said with a smile. Gwaine booed loudly, but Elyan remained unfazed.

"What about you, Gwaine?" Percival spoke up.

"Yes, Gwaine. You see, so adamant to find out about ours." Arthur couldn't hide the grin on his face. "Why don't you tell us about your mark?" The cheerful expression on Gwaine's face faltered for a moment.

"I would if I could." His voice was quiet, and the knights realized what he meant. He was born without a mark. But Gwaine smiled, shrugging. "I don't mind anymore. Besides," he elbowed Percival jokingly. "I can explore my options this way." The jovial mood was back. Merlin smiled at the jokes they were shooting back and forth, and stoked the fire.

"You know, Merlin," Arthur said, leaning forward. "You haven't shown us yours yet." Merlin stiffened, before forcing a smile on his face.

"Now why would I do that, sire?" His tone was light and happy, but it didn't seem real.

"Come on, mate." Gwaine was standing next to him now, and he clapped Merlin on the back. Merlin shook his head, crouching back down by the fire. The knights noted he looked uncomfortable.

"If you're markless Merlin, there's nothing to be ashamed of." Leon attempted at being reassuring, not realizing he only made it worse. Merlin shook his head, poking at the flames.

"I'm not markless." Merlin mumbled, regretting the words when they left his mouth. He should have let them think he was markless so they would leave him alone.

"Then show us!" Arthur still had a smile, not noticing his manservant's obvious discomfort at the subject. "Merlin, I am your king. Would you really refuse your king?"

"Have I ever really listened, sire?" Merlin said with a forced chuckle. He paused, playing with the hem of his scarf. "If I tell you what it is, will you leave me alone?" A few reluctant nods made him relax slightly. "It's a name. On my neck." Merlin hadn't meant to let them know where it was, but it slipped out before he could catch it.

"See, Merlin?" Gwaine placed his arm around Merlin's shoulders, an odd grin on his face. Arthur winced. He knew that grin. "That wasn't so hard." Suddenly, Gwaine grabbed and Merlin's scarf, and pulled. The scarf came off, revealing Merlin's mark, clear as day on the base of his neck. Gwaine sucked in a breath, regretting his actions.

"Happy now?" Merlin's voice was bitter s he snatched the scarf away from the knight, glaring. Percival and Elyan winced sympathetically, while Leon grimaced.

"Mate, I'm sorry. I didn't know-"

"That was the idea." Merlin snapped at Gwaine, who seemed taken aback. Merlin turned around, giving Arthur a clear view of the mark that sat there. A name, in beautiful font on the back of his manservant's neck. A name, that was etched in a deep, dark black ink.


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