Author's Note -- DON'T WORRY ITS NOT BAD.. Its good actually c:

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Hey guiesssss!!! My little... My little... My... My aye yie... I need a name for you guys. Could you help me figure something out? :) Maybe something to do with bunnies or music... Or both? ^_^ I need a fan name... It's gotta happen...

Anyways, so, the reason why I have this author's note is for a "shout out" or announcement about something. My friend, toxicspirit is writing a spin off of my book, that is entirely about Trinity Tomlinson. It will have her life, her entire personality, and everything else. The story is called 'Queen of Hearts'. Since I had help from Bee to come up with the character Trinity, I allowed her to come up with a story ALL ABOUT Trinity. So, what are you gonna do?


Say it.

*taps foot* Say it.

You: Read it.


Go check it out if you really love the character Trinity. It will be entirely on Trinity and her life story. Again, the book is called Queen of Hearts, and the author who is writing this is the one who helped me come up with the character Trinity, is tosicspirit. I'm sure you'll enjoy it; she's an amazing writer. Probably 10x better than me. xP

Okay, getting side tract again from the main reason as to why I have this A/N, but I must state something that everyone has been begging for. Jex sex. Although I know it's tempting to do, I'm not writing about sex until two people are married. Before then it is not going to happen. I'm not one to promote sex before marriage, there's many wrongs that could happen... And you don't want any characters to have serious problems, do you? c:0

Also, if you would be so kind as to try and figure a "fan name" for yourselves, comment below. :) I want to be able to call you guys something better than just...



That's just SO BORING! But I love you guys anyways. I cannot believe, nor ever dreamt, I would get this famous!!! I mean LPaG has over 2 MILLION reads. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! Because of you guys. :) I love you and never forget that. You make me laugh my butt off... And head... With your comments. I don't know what I would have done without you guys... Probably give up writing... But nope. c: Here I am. Here we are.

Okay, so aside from all that awesomeness, AGAIN GO CHECK OUT toxicspirit's BOOK ABOUT TRINITY TOMLINSON. I CAN GUARANTEE YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!! And plus, that way I can shove her in the spot light when I can't write anything for you guys for a while.


*looks up... Shakes head* I. Am. So. Weird.

Sorry. xD

Oh well. ^-^

Okay, so with that little... Thingy... I shall be off.



....Heh heh....

I am working on chapter fourteen so please, do not die from not knowing if I will update or not. I will try to update before two months. Or even one month. But I've been busy and sleeping in (oops? Probably mostly because of my sinus infection >.<) annnddddd just... Sometimes I get writer's block FOR ONE SMALL SPOT. AAND IT SUCKS. So yeah.

Alright, Audios, Bye bye, aloha, see you, ttyl, good bye, and all that jazz. c:


-DjBunny ♫

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