| Chapter Twenty : News, News, and More News {Trin's POV} |

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The days went fast, days turned into weeks, weeks into a month. It was February; not just February, but Valentine's day. I missed Derek; I wished I could see him today. He is my everything - any amount of time we were alone was time I moped around watching TV and eating ice cream. Although I tried to be healthy, I still had my ice cream cravings. Suddenly I got a text from him. D-does he like, read minds now or?!

From: Derek :)) | 2:23 PM
Hey boo ;) what r u wearing? Just wonderin x3

To: Derek :)) | 2:23 PM
Umm my pj's whyyy?

From: Derek :)) | 2:25 PM
Would u pls get into something u can get messy in? Send me a pic 2

From: Derek :)) | 2:25 PM
Oh & forget the makeup too pretty pls

To: Derek :)) | 2:26 PM
Uhh... okaaaaay? o.O

I heaved myself off of the bed in my dorm and groggily walked into the bathroom. Even though it was almost 2:30 in the afternoon, I was just being absolutely lazy. Lazier than ever. Even a jog hadn't sounded appealing.

I yawned and got dressed and combed my hair out. I brushed my teeth once again and put on a bit of waterproof mascara. At least that.

I grabbed my phone and posed, taking a full body picture from the mirror and sent it to Derek.

To: Derek :)) | 2:36 PM
1 attachment sent
Here bae. Why did you want it...? O__o

I impatiently waited for him to reply, which took an agonizing seven minutes for him to do so.

From: Derek :)) | 2:43 PM
Just cause. U'll find out in 15. Be. Patient. ;)

I scoffed and plopped back on my bed, staring at the wall. I hoped somehow the time would tick faster if I just stared at the wall. I sighed and grumbled as I got back up and walked into the bathroom again and fixed my hair. I threw it up into a pony tail with a few strands of hair on either side stringing down; not too much, though. I blew a sigh and went back out to my bed, grabbing my laptop along the way.

"Uugghhhh! Only took up two minutes?!" I cried in dismay when I looked at the time. This would be hard.

I found myself singing along to some songs and scrolling along tumblr, reposting way too much. Hashtag oops?

I jolted upright when I heard a knock at the door, almost falling off the bed. I grumbled and turned everything off and got up. Whoever this is better have a dang good reaso...

"DEREK!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around him and grinning widely.

"Hey baby girl, told you fifteen minutes." He grinned as he hugged me tight. His hugs warmed me up in a way he could only do. I smiled and snuggled my nose into the crook of his neck.

The smell of his cologne wafted from his shirt and tickled my nose as I smiled more. He kissed the top of my head before he spoke up again, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Even if it was only a month." I stated, clinging tighter. I was afraid to let go; I had my valentine right here, but if I let go, he might have to leave seconds later.

He pulled away and grinned before he spoke up again, "I need to take you somewhere. It just has to happen. Common!"

I giggled as I slipped my boots on and grabbed my leather jacket and slammed the door shut, following him to the doors to get outside. We got to the parking lot and walked a bit quicker. He grinned as he held my hand and lead me to his truck. The dirt bike was sitting in the back. I squeaked with joy as I called out, "Are we going to go riding?!"

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