Chapter 1

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TW: Slight Violence and PTSD attack.


A minute felt like an hour. A second felt like a minute... time was dragging on. I tapped my pencil against my desk in anticipation for the bell to ring, my gaze glancing back and forth between my desk and the clock.

''Luke Nathaniel Ivy, eyes on your work. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do.'' Mrs. Jones said to me, breaking me out of the fog I was in. She had a faint smile on her lips as I cringed at the mention of my middle name- She knew that it bothered me.

''Yes, ma'am...'' I muttered in response, gazing down at the work in front of me. I couldn't focus on anything... the only thing on my mind at the moment was leaving this school.

After school, my friends and I planned to spend some time together. We have been planning this for ages now... a sleepover with just the four of us. I have been waiting for this day all week- I needed a break from school, home, and just life in general. Usually, we do see each other after school... but it's only at church for some sort of work that my father gave us.

We didn't have to go to the church after school because my father is gone on a business trip. He went to preach to some other church about two hours away... which to be honest, I was thankful for.

The sound of the bell ringing filled my ears. I immediately threw my books together, almost tripping over my feet in excitement. Everyone pilled out of the room one by one, speaking in hushed tones.

I watched as David pulled himself up from his seat, walking over to me with a smile lingering on his lips. His dirty blond hair shook messily on his head as he shook his head disapprovingly at me, clenching his books tightly against his chest.

''Calm down, Luke. We have all night to spend together with Josiah and Mary...'' He said to me, taking some of my books from my hands, noticing my struggle with carrying all of my books in my arms.

''I know... I'm just so excited! We could do WHATEVER we want! We should go get ice cream! Then after that, we should go look at the puppies in the pet store!'' I exclaimed, waving my free hand in the air as I spoke, walking out of the classroom with David by my side. He looked down at me with a faint smile on his lips, shaking his head at every word I spoke.

We finally got to my locker- Josiah and Mary were already standing there with smiles lingering on their lips.

''Just spoke to my mom... she said she won't be home until tomorrow morning! We have the house to ourselves!'' Josiah exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. Mary clapped happily, jumping up and down in excitement. The whole house to ourselves... we have never done anything like that before. I know it sounds crazy, considering I'm seventeen years old...

''...Do you think we will be okay? I mean, there won't be any adults around...'' I muttered to them as I put my books in my locker. Josiah furrowed his eyebrows, placing his hands on his hips.

''...Dude. You're going to be eighteen years old in less than a month... Do you think YOU'RE old enough for this?'' Josiah asked me. I couldn't help but laugh at his words as I pulled my backpack out of my locker, closing it with a loud crash.

We walked out of the school without another word, making our way towards David's car. I cannot stress enough how much I do not like that school... though If I ever said that out loud, I'd probably get a slap thrown across my face no doubt.

Logos Private Christian Academy. It's a smaller school with only about four hundred students... first to twelveth grade. It sticks to the old teaching skills and discipline, along with some harsh rules.

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