Chapter 11

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Two days later


''Bro, you have to come to the party! It's TRADITION!'' Kyle hollered through the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows as I applied the second coat of black nail polish onto my fingers, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear.

''Dude, we do this party every fuckin' month. I don't know if I'm gonna be free.'' I muttered, breaking my eyes from my nails to Luke in the kitchen. He was casually dancing to the best of his ability, the earbuds in his ears shaking with every movement he made while he cooked us lunch.

''My dude... my homeboy. Brother from another mother. Homeslice.'' Kyle started. I let out a deep sigh, forcing my eyes away from Luke and back onto my nails.

''You could bring the kid if you want to! I know those urges in you get wild sometimes! Faith's house has plenty of rooms, my dude!'' He exclaimed. I scoffed at his words, blowing lightly on my nails before I spoke.

''It's not like that, fuck face. The kid isn't even into dudes.'' I whispered into the phone, glancing back up at Luke. He was still jammin' out.

''Just bring him regardless, bro! I don't care if he's your lil' plaything, I don't care if ya'll are besties playin' hopscotch in a meadow of daisies! just come to the party!''

''You can't play hopscotch in a meadow, bro-''

''You're COMING MR. LANCASTER!'' I heard Faith scream through the phone.

''Is Faith helpin' you set up or somethin'? I could have sworn I heard the sound of a disappointment through the phone.'' I said with a smirk. Faith let out a loud growl, trying to rip the phone out of Kyle's hands. Kyle screamed out dramatically, claiming that he was being attacked by a wild animal.

''SEE YOU AT EIGHT BRO, BYE!'' Kyle said in a rush before hanging up the phone. I set down the phone with a sigh, shaking my head with a soft smile. I haven't seen Faith in a few days... it's different. We are usually together all the time, everybody calls us the 'wild Lancaster twins.'

Out of the two of us, I was the more... daring. I was usually always all over the news for doing dumb shit, my temper and amongst other things... she was the star at the PlayPen strip club. She's not afraid to tell people what she does for a living, though people don't like that sometimes.

She sure as hell made that coin. We used to live together in my apartment about half a year ago, but she easily made enough money to buy her own house. We usually have the parties at her house, since she has a ton of room.

I don't know how Luke is going to feel about the stripper pole in the middle of her living room if he decides to go.

''Gabriel, I finished making something!'' Luke exclaimed. He motioned for me to join him in the kitchen with a smile.

''You didn't have to make me anything, blondie.'' I murmured as I approached him. He pointed to the seat across from him as he sat down in his chair, leaning his crutches against the table.

''You're giving me a place to stay... it's the least I could do.'' He mumbled to me as I sat down across from him. He stabbed the pasta with his fork, bringing it up to his lips after he spoke.

I don't usually like pasta... but this was good.

''Hey, my friends and I are having a party later. You don't have to come if you don't want to, I'm kinda being forced to go. My sister will be there too.'' I explained to him. He nodded his head as I spoke, shoving more pasta into his mouth. He must have been hungry.

''I have never been to a party before, surprisingly. My parents said that it's time wasted.'' He said with a soft laugh afterward. It's good that he noticed that some of the things his parents done were complete bullshit.

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