Chapter 16

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One week later


''Come on, Luke. You have to eat something.'' Faith mumbled to me, pushing the bowl of mashed potatoes in my direction. I couldn't help but gag at the sight of the food coming my way.

''I'm full! You made me eat that chicken you made anyways, don't you think I ate enough?'' I asked her. She rolled her eyes at my question, throwing her arms over the back of the chair and tilting her chair off the floor. She gazed at me with a hint of humor in her dark brown eyes- it reminded me of Gabriel's intruding glare. I mean... they are twins.

''If I was Gabriel, you'd be licking that bowl clean.'' She said to me in a teasing way. I couldn't help but grow red at her statement.

I picked up my fork in my hand, glaring at Faith as I took a scoop of the mashed potatoes.

It's been a week since the trial. Although my parents did plead guilty... I still haven't been feeling too well. I know that they should have gone to jail for what they have done, and my father hasn't been completely truthful all of his life, but... they are still my parents. Every day spent with them wasn't completely awful. My mother and I still had some good moments, my dad too. It just sucks that they truly are gone.

I know my mom will be out in ten years, but... I could only speak to my father through a phone. It's not like he will ever want to talk to me again, though.

Gabriel has been taking care of me, even though I told him I'm fully capable of taking care of myself. He's been leaving work earlier to spend some time with me, although the past few days he couldn't.

So he's been forcing Faith to come here, although she doesn't mind.

''Tell me what's bothering you. I get you're shaken up from the trial and all, but I know there is something else. You could tell me.'' She suddenly said.

There's a lot of things. How I don't even want to be alive right now, how I feel so out of place and out of touch with God... how I feel so disgusted with myself.

How I have these feelings for Gabriel, which I've been taught are wrong. But apparently... they aren't wrong.

''I'm fine.'' I lied, the words feeling dirty on my mouth. I forced myself to maintain eye contact with her as the words left my lips.

''...If you're fine, then there's a problem.''

I took a shaky breath at her words. I wanted to cry, but I physically couldn't. I have been breaking out into thought attacks every single night... I think my eyes are dried out.

We sat in silence for a few moments. She gazed at me with a hint of worry in her eyes. She took a deep breath before breaking her gaze from me, looking over to her brightly colored nails.

''In order for one to heal, they have to face on their problems. They don't have to do it all at once, but one step at a time-''

''My problems shouldn't be problems. My problems are something I'm creating for myself.''

Her eyes widened at my response. She slowly brought her chair back onto the ground from the tilt it was in, running her tongue over her bottom lip before she spoke.

''I'll admit, some people do that. I know quite a few people who do make problems up in their head and act upon it. With the way you were raised you were taught you cannot HAVE problems. Your father wanted you to be perfect. You-you can't be God, Luke! You could have problems, you could feel something! You're going to fucking end up dead with the way you're going!'' She exclaimed.

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