Chapter 12

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''Hey dude, uh... are you busy?'' I asked, placing the phone up to my ear as I clenched Luke's bags tighter in my left hand. Luke was walking close next to me, taking his time as he walked on his crutches towards my car.

''Yeah, my homie. I've been puttin' the party together bro! It's about to get wild!'' He said with a drunken laugh. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words, his slurred words ringing in my ears as Luke and I approached the car.

''Put Faith on the phone for me, Kyle.'' I muttered to him, walking over to the passenger's seat and opening the car door for Luke without another word. I took Luke's crutches in my right hand as he lowered himself down into the car with a soft smile lingering on his lips, thanking me softly before I closed the car door.

''Aw... dude, why don't you wanna talk to me? Is it a twin thing bro? Bro, I'm much cooler than Faith.''

''Kyle, put my sister on the phone.'' I said in almost a whisper, walking over to the driver's side with Luke's bags still clenched tightly around my fingers. I thankfully stopped him from buying a lot of revealing clothes- especially women's clothes. I knew that he wanted them at the moment, but I knew the second he would try to wear them he would get self-conscious. Not only because of his bruises... but he was taught not to be feminine. I know he isn't really showing that stored toxic masculinity, but I know it's in there somewhere. When he's comfortable with himself and the bruises have somewhat faded... maybe he could get tank tops and shorter shorts.

''Hey Gabe, what's up?'' Faith said to me on the other side of the phone. I pulled the carton of cigarettes out from my back pocket as I gazed at Luke through the window, Faith's raspy voice ringing in my ears.

''I need to ask you a favor, alright?'' I said to her. I watched as Luke slowly brought his arm up to the window, placing his elbow on the small amount of space as he winced in pain. His light pink lips slowly turned into a frown.

''No alcohol or drugs... or anything at the party, please?'' I said in almost a whisper. I brought a cigarette to my lips with a free hand, reaching my hand in my pocket afterward for a lighter.

''Yeah, I could work something out... It may be hard to get Kyle's stoner hands off of the weed, but I could put it away.'' She reassured me with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.


''Can I ask why, Gabe?''

I gazed over at Luke again. He was resting his head against the window with his hands pressed across his chest, his cold gaze wandering off somewhere I couldn't quite pinpoint. His father? His mother? His friends... maybe me?

''I'm bringing blondie with me tonight... alright? I'm already kind of worried about bringing him after everything that happened. I can't make him uncomfortable, you know? I get it's what we usually do but he's not used to that-''

She began letting out a soft laugh. I felt the heat come to my face as she laughed...

''Look at the big Gabriel Lancaster beginning to become a softie. The Gabriel Lancaster who spits on the doorstep of the Ivy's Church? Taking in Luke Ivy himself? It sounds like a love story, don't you agree?'' She muttered to me.

''You would do the same thing, Faith. He has nobody... he needs me.'' I said in almost a whisper. She didn't reply at my words for a few moments, all I could hear was her soft laughter.

''I think you need him too, Gabe.'' She finally said. I shook my head at her words, feeling the blush on my cheeks getting worse. I don't need anybody. I'm perfectly fine on my own. I don't have feelings for this kid... and If I did, I shouldn't. I'm just helping him get back on his feet after all that has happened.

Sin (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant