Chapter 14

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''Are you sure you're okay? I don't really know how alcohol and spiking works, but... are you going to pass out or something?'' Luke asked me as he sat down on the floor next to the collection of movies I had. He ran his fingers against the spines of the movie cases as he read through them, shaking his head as he passed through the horror movies. I mostly had horror movies, I don't really know what he's going to find that he'd like...

''I'm alright, blondie. I already feel better.'' I reassured him. He nodded his head, his blond hairs following him with every movement he made. I couldn't help but stare as he gently picked up different movies, delicately running his finger over the words as he read what they were about. He took his time with them... it seemed like he was giving his own individual attention equally. He didn't toss one back by the cover, he simply shrugged his shoulders when he found something he didn't like and put it back.

I admired that about him. Although he's grown up in such harsh conditions for all of his life, he's still gentle with everything he comes across. Of course, he has the will power to disagree with something he doesn't like, but he doesn't criticize it and hurt it because he doesn't agree with it. It kind of amazes me that he still has the capability to do something like that... considering his father. I don't know everything that his father taught, some of it could have been true... but what I do know is that most of what he was saying is bullshit.

''Can we watch this one, Gabriel?'' Luke asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. I couldn't help but laugh as he handed me the movie 'The Princess and the frog' with a look of hope in his eyes.

''You don't have to ask me what we could watch. Put it in the DVD player.'' I said to him. He looked confused at my response... I figured. He's never really gotten to make decisions for himself in his life. He eventually smiled brightly as he opened the CD case, pushing it carefully into the CD player. Once he finished placing the case onto the coffee table he held a hand up to me to take, glancing over at the TV as I helped pull him up from the ground.

''Have you ever seen this movie?'' I asked him out of curiosity. He shook his head no, his gaze not leaving the TV screen.

''No... I just thought the girl on the front was pretty. Her hair reminded me of yours...'' He mumbled to me. I couldn't help but smile at his comment... I don't think he noticed he said that out loud.

I watched as his face grew bright red, his icy blue eyes widening.

There it is.

''Um... I-I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?'' He asked me, glancing over in my direction. He began to slowly move away from me on the couch in fear of my response. I immediately moved over right next to him with a sigh, slinging my arm over the couch.

''Calm down, Luke. You're okay. You would never make me uncomfortable... trust me.'' I said to him, my voice coming out as a whisper in the end. I couldn't help but notice how blue his eyes were, the freckles decorating his smaller nose. His lips were light pink color- not too big or too small. I couldn't help but smile to myself, the thought of his smile entering my mind. His light dimples come out on display, his eyes closing in delightment as he lets out the most adorable laugh I've ever seen. I never want him to lose that laugh.

...I truly am changing. If I'm being honest, it's kind of scaring me. The last time I let myself be defenseless with someone was... Ruby. I let myself open to that woman and she completely took me for everything I had. I don't want that to happen again.

...I don't think Luke is capable of doing that.

I brought my attention back to the movie. I've seen this movie countless times with Faith when I was younger. My mom was really excited that there was a black princess for us to see... so she bought about five different CD's. Even though my mom is white, she tried everything in her power to show us black reputation, looked up tutorials on how to do our hair...

Sin (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat