Chapter 6

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I don't know why I was breaking down right now.

I was supposed to be getting ready for school. But here I was, sitting on the floor of my shower. It wasn't anything new. The shower is the one place in my house where my cries could be drowned out against the water. My parents can't hear me. Though they go to work in the morning and leave me by myself...

I don't want anyone to hear how weak I am.

I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to face those people like this... plus my ankle still hurt. Of course, I've been taking care of it with the wrap that Gabriel gave me, but it hurt too much to walk.

After the conversation I had with Gabriel last night... I'm questioning a lot of things.

''Are you going to tell me what happened?'' Gabriel asked me. My foot still rested on his thigh, though I tried several times to remove it. He told me that he wanted me to keep it elevated... he truly didn't mind it at all.

''I told you, Gabriel... I fell down the stairs.'' I said in almost a whisper. His brown eyes narrowed at my words, crossing his tattooed arms across his chest. I knew he didn't believe me... I mean, why would he? My ankle wasn't the only thing that was messed up. I had a black and blue mark on my right eye, my collarbones and neck lingered with bruises.

''Do you expect me to believe that?'' He asked me. His voice was deep and serious, his eyes gazing at me in a way that made my stomach turn.

''I just don't want him to get in trouble, Gabriel...'' I admitted, my voice cracking at the words. I broke my gaze from his eyes, looking down at my lap as I began to cry.

He didn't say a word as I cried. I hated that I kept crying in front of him, but I couldn't help it, I never spoke about this in front of someone before. What if he thinks I'm weird for crying about the beatings I get? It's normal, I should take it like a real man...

''I know you don't want him to get in trouble, Luke. He's your father, the man who helped raise you. But... you need to think about yourself and your safety.'' He said to me. I wiped the tears from my eyes before I met his soft gaze.

''I shouldn't be complaining. I bet you took your discipline just fine, I'm just weak...'' I said to him. I watched as his eyes immediately widened at my words, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

''...What? No, no... Luke, that's not how it works...'' He told me in shock. What is he talking about?

''Luke, discipline from your parents is not... this!'' He exclaimed, motioning towards me. I knew I looked awful. My ankle was broken, my body was completely bruised.

I didn't know how to reply. His caramel skin was flushed in anger as he looked at me, his gaze grazing every bruise on my body. His eyes twisted with concern... but mostly anger. I figured it was aimed at my father.

''Luke, is that normal for you?'' He asked me coldly. Of course it's normal for me... isn't it normal for him? Why wouldn't it be?

''...Why wouldn't it be?'' I asked him, repeating the thoughts in my head. He brought a hand up to his mouth, breaking his gaze from mine.

''Luke, I-I'm going to have to call the police... I can't let you go home with him-''

''Please Gabriel, don't call the police... That's what my dad has always said not to do, that if the world finds out God will punish me, please Gabriel! I can't deal with more punishments, I-I can't!'' I sobbed out. My hands began to shake more rapidly at his words... Gosh, I can't have another thought attack here. Not in front of him...

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