Chapter 9

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They took Luke off in the ambulance as soon as I carried him out. I promised him before he left that I would meet him at the hospital. He clung to me like a little baby before finally consenting to get in the ambulance... it was cute, even though it was probably just because he was scared. I'm the only person here that he could somewhat trust. 

The cops wanted to talk to me about the whole ordeal. Of course, I didn't know the full story of everything that was happening in Luke's life... but I definitely knew enough. 

''Wanted to thank you again, Gabriel. If you didn't get here before us, the preacher might have finished the job.'' A woman cop came up to me, flashing me a soft smile. I knew her for a few years... but I never knew her name. The cops around here know my name pretty well. 

''Yeah, no problem.'' I mumbled. Two other cops slowly approached her while gazing at me curiously. One of the cops that approached us was the only one I really liked. He was a black man who actually knew how to be a respectable cop. 

''Look at Gabriel being a savior for once...'' He mumbled to me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he slung an arm over my shoulder, letting out a hearty laugh. 

''In all seriousness, can you explain... all of this?'' The woman cop said to me, motioning over to a thrashing Mr. Ivy in the cop car. He was throwing his fists up in the air like a little child, screaming towards his wife that sat next to him sobbing. 

''The kid has been abused physically and mentally all his life by the big guy. Is that enough for ya, miss?'' I mumbled to her. 

''...We knew something was going on, ever since Matthew left.'' She mumbled. 

''Then why the fuck didn't you assholes do anything? HE ALMOST KILLED HIM!'' I hissed out. The cop held me back from lunging at the woman with a growl.

''Gabriel, calm down! If you don't then you're going to go along with Mr. and Mrs. Ivy!'' He yelled at me. These people... they are so wrapped up in their religion to look past the fact that their preacher is an abuser. Of course, I'm religious myself, but we do not handle things like this. If my cousins accused my uncle of abuse, we wouldn't ignore it just because he was our family and preacher. We would get down to the bottom of it and take care of it. 

''Look Gabriel, let's just talk about what happened normally, alright? For Luke.'' The cop next to her said to me. He looked at me with sympathetic brown eyes, leaning his arm on the woman's shoulder. The woman cop crossed her arms across her chest, waiting for my response. 

''I met Luke about a week ago. He came to my church preaching about how we were gonna go to hell, but his father was obviously makin' him say that shit. The next day I saw him at the grocery store, cryin' about how much pain he was in. He admitted that it was his father, his fucking ankle is broken. Today we spent the day together with my homegirl Melody, he comes home to get his ass whooped. He called me begging to call the police. I heard that piece of shit in the background pounding on the door, tellin' him he's a piece of shit and a fag. Melody told me that he did that shit to Matthew and she witnessed it.'' I finished. She wrote down everything I said as I spoke, a frown lingering on her lips. 

''Look, uh... he's obviously not going to be able to go back with his parents. They are going to Jail. So... I think it's best if the kid stays with you for a bit. I know his friend's parents... it's pretty complicated, Gabriel.'' One of the cops mumbled to me. I knew what he wanted to say. I'm all he has right now, he can't even go live with his friend's because their parents are brainwashed into thinking the preacher has done nothing wrong. They are going to think that Luke is lying. It's pointless to put him into foster care, considering he's going to be eighteen in less than a month. 

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