Chapter 18

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I watched as Gabriel stood in front of his mirror, softly humming to himself as he applied his eyeliner to his eyes. He wore a black button-down along with black dress pants, his signature chain hanging at his side. He was listening to some of the softer music he had on his playlist, I think he said it was the band My Darkest Days? I'm not really sure. Whatever it is... I don't think it's my style.

''Did I get anything that is appropriate to wear for this?...'' I said, pausing afterward. ''Did I buy anything black?'' I continued. Gabriel let out a laugh at my words, shaking his head as he finished his eyeliner. I watched as he straightened the black-tie as he gazed in the mirror before turning towards me.

''If you'd prefer to wear your schoolboy outfit with one of my ties, I don't mind.'' He said playfully to me as he leaned back on his dresser. I instantly began shaking my head at his words, laughter filling my ears once more.

''I thought so. I bought you something so you'd fit in tonight. It's obviously not like what I'm wearing... but it will suit you.'' He said to me as he walked into the bathroom without another word.

He came out of the bathroom a few moments later with a smile lingering on his lips. He had a dark blue button-down on a hanger in his hand, along with a darker colored pair of blue dress pants. He had a belt to match them along with dress shoes.

''Gabriel... they must have cost so much, why did you do this?'' I asked him, feeling my eyes widen as I pulled myself off of the bed and approached him. The button-down had to be some expensive kind of fabric... definitely not from Walmart.

''Don't worry about it Luke, go change. We need to head out in ten minutes.'' He said to me with amusement in his voice. I went to protest at his words- until he brought a finger up to my lips.

''Let me give this gift to you. You deserve to look nice and also have a nice time tonight. If you do not like the way it looks on you then we could return it. Otherwise, it's yours.'' He said to me with a smile.

I changed into the outfit without any more protests. I had to admit, it wasn't something I would pick out myself, but now that I'm wearing it... I really do like the way it looked on me. The pants fit me just right, the button up was comfortable yet hugged me just right. I had the button-down tucked into my pants, the belt he also got for me on full display.

''Does it look alright? This isn't something I'd usually wear...'' I muttered to Gabriel as I stepped out of the bathroom. He broke his gaze off of his phone once I spoke, his eyes widening once they landed on me.

He pulled himself off of the bed without a word, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box.

''I got you one more thing, I hope you don't mind.'' He mumbled to me, ignoring the question I had asked. He took the top off of the small box without another word with a faint smile on his lips.

It was a necklace. It was a beautiful silver color- nothing too flashy.

It... it had a cross on it. I couldn't help but tear up at the sight of the necklace he held in his hands.

''You bought this for me?'' I asked him, my voice visibly shaking. He nodded his head in response, taking the necklace in his larger hands and placing the box down on the bed. He motioned for me to turn around, which I didn't hesitate to do.

He wrapped the necklace around my neck, clasping the necklace together easily. He took a deep breath as he turned me towards him once more, his hands still wrapped tightly around my shoulders.

Sin (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα