Chapter 17

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For the first time in weeks, I didn't have to jump out of my bed because Luke was screaming at the top of his lungs because of his PTSD attacks or nightmares. He slept throughout the whole night with no problem... I know it's not a lot, but it really makes me happy. He's improving.

...Maybe it was because we made out last night. Maybe he just REALLY needed a lil' smooch.

''Do you think we will need these wipes at the church? Do you guys have any?'' Luke asked me before holding a container of table wipes up in the air. I couldn't help but smile in his direction as the question left his lips.

''I'd bring them just in case. We already cleaned the church top to bottom, but I'm sure there's already a mess... we are only going there to decorate. Are you sure you're alright with helping?'' I asked him. He nodded his head eagerly as he walked over to me with the container of wipes in his hand, placing them down on the coffee table before placing a hand on his hip.

I had meant to ask him last night when I got home from work if he would want to help the others and I set up for my uncle's birthday. Obviously, that didn't happen... so I asked him this morning.

My uncle is being fucking extra and decided to have this big birthday bash at the church tonight. The attire must be formal, the ballroom must be cleaned to perfection.... how old is the dude now? forty-six years old? I don't think he needs a birthday party. I love the guy, but... it's just so much work.

''It's something to do... It's not like I'm going to be doing anything. I'm still waiting to get enrolled in the online courses, I've basically cleaned every corner in your apartment-''

''I'm aware. It's never been this clean before.''

We spent the next hour getting together things we may need for the church. I assured him that we only needed a few things like wipes and garbage bags, but... he brought a lot more than that. Rags, paper towels, dusters, swiffers... he says there's no such thing as too much cleaning. I said that's a load of bullshit.

We sat in the car together on the way to the church, the sound of Luke humming filling my ears. It was his turn to put on the music he liked, so I had to listen to the 1975. We decided that each time we got in the car, we would take turns with who controls the radio or aux cord. I really didn't mind it, I'm just glad he doesn't like country music...

''Hey, Gabriel?'' Luke suddenly asked me. I mumbled a 'Hm?' in response, my eyes not leaving the road.

''What is the date today?'' He asked.

Things have gone by fast the past month, I haven't really kept track. I feel like everything is finally starting to slow down for once. The trial is over, his parents are finally locked up... yeah things aren't completely fixed, but we aren't running everywhere and constantly getting phone calls.

''I think it's... December second? is that right?'' I asked him. He gasped at my words, grasping onto his phone and immediately looking at the date himself. He began to laugh to himself quietly, shaking his head back and forth as he gazed at the phone.

''My birthday is coming up, I completely forgot about it... It's on the eighth.'' He told me.

''Don't worry too much about it, blondie. We had a lot of stuff happening in the past month. What do you want to do for your birthday? What do you usually do?'' I asked him. I was genuinely curious about what he did... I wouldn't be surprised if his parents did nothing.

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