We Meet Again

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Peter's POV

Well it was again dreadful Monday. The weekend goes by so fast, but hey, at least I got to see Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange. And Levi! I love that playful relic.

Yes relic. Not a toy. If Dr. Strange taught me one thing, it was that Levi was a relic and a very important and ancient one. That it should be treated gently and respectfully.

But Levi does give fun flying rides.

"Don't you think Peter?"

"Uh, I'm sorry what? I wasn't listening." I said, looking up at Harry; who was sitting across from me at the lunch table. Mj sat to his right.

"I was telling Mj that she shouldn't get too worried about her project. Take a few hours off to relax, maybe take a nap or two. The project isn't due till after Christmas break."

"Oh yeah. Don't sweat it Mj. I haven't even started mine." I gave a nervous smile.

I should probably get that started soon though.

"You don't understand Peter. As lovely as relaxing and napping sounds, I have to get this project done early. It's my thing, ya know? I'm valedictorian of our class." She exclaimed.

"Oh come on Mj." Harry nudged her. "I'll tell you what. How about we all go the cafe across the street and work on our projects there? We'll be hanging out and doing work at the same time." He looked over at me and winked.

"Yeah Mj. We'll be killing two birds with one stone. Having fun and doing work."

"But what if the stone comes back down toward us?" She implied.

"It's imaginary. It won't hit us." I joked.

"Peter that's not what I meant." She and Harry laughed.

The bell rang and lunch was over. Only 4 more hours until I can head out those doors at the end of the corridor that lead to freedom.

Narrator's POV

It was the last hour of the day, and Peter was bores out of his mind in physics class. He couldn't understand why they needed this class. It was like calculus and algebra had a baby, a very ugly baby.

It wasn't hard, no. Just a huge waste of his time. As Mr. Buckets stood next to the green chalk board and explained some sort of formula for velocity, Peter sat as his desk with his elbow on the desk top and his hand on his cheek. He rolled a pencil up and down the desk with his other hand. He gave the clock various glances every now and then. The time was running like a snail. Sometimes he's try to look elsewhere or distract himself, forgetting about the time. And when he finally thought it'd be long enough without looking at the clock, he'd give it a glance, only to see the minute hand had moved two marks forward.





He looked across the room and saw Harry wadding up a price of paper. Harry looked around, then made eye contact with Peter. Peter got the memo and looked at Mr. Buckets, making sure his back was turned to them.

The coast was clear, he gave Harry a small nod. Harry rolled the price of paper on the floor, under students legs and desk, over to Peter.

Peter picked it up, off the ground.

Mr. Buckets made a suddenly move to write something on the board as his voice kept falling out of his mouth like a waterfall. Peter was startled and hid the note, but took it back out when he realized Mr. Buckets wasn't gonna turn around.

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