|Chapter 2|

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My suitcase was stuffed full of all the things I needed. As well as the things that I had come with. All my hygiene products, books, clothes and anything else that I deemed important to go back to college with.

'Today we head back to the dorm. But we'll be back for Christmas break so no need to get gloomy.' Hopefully by Christmas break they'd have some information on this Lucian ordeal going on. As well as Storm getting back into the swing of his life a bit better than right now.

'At least he got himself a job again. For a man that has been in a coma since 2016.' I nodded at that. Storm was managing pretty well and that made me happy that he wasn't freaking out and losing his shit as of right now. He was needed for many reasons.

He was my girlfriends uncle for one reason. As well as knew a lot about the immortal that we needed to know. And he was the only person with that information and I intended for him to be sane. At any cost. We needed him sane for many reasons, selfish and good.

It didn't take me long to finish packing before I hauled my suitcases back to my truck and put them in the back cab before I went back inside where my mother was washing dishes and the rest of my brothers were getting ready to leave for college as well.

Angel was at her side. 'High on drugs that keep her wolf at bay since she's pregnant. It's weird thinking that we're going to be an uncle.' It was. In about 7 to 8 months my nephew or niece would be born and I would be an uncle. It was strange.

Mom and dad were both quite happy to be getting an grandchild. Mom of course was thrilled about this. Of course after chastising Nico on his poor timing. But after that she was quite thrilled on Angel's pregnancy. And Orchid was the one providing the pills and potions, the sedatives in a way.

'Holds her wolf at bay so it doesn't hurt the child and miscarriage it.' Orchid even was perfecting the craft for Angel. She didn't do it quite much. But with Angel's pregnancy she was beginning to learn it. As well as become the pack witch at this point.

Orchid may not see it, but at this point she might as well be part of the pack. Andrew was part of the pack and she was his mate. Marked and mated. So she was treated as such and helped the pack members well.

'It's good to have such a talented witch like her around. It's nice.' I nodded at that with a smile. My mom turned to me and offered a smile as Nico came in. He was quick to Angel's side with a smile on his face as he gave her a hug.

Playing into the protective mate role. Most male wolves got incredibly possessive and protective of their mates when pregnant. More so than normal. Going after a pregnant werewolf was signing your death certificate and handing the murder weapon to your killer and standing still for them. It was suicide itself.

Something most wouldn't do. 'Of course there are those occasional stupid ones.' I nodded at that. "I'll miss you guys being around here. Be safe at college." My mom said giving us all hugs and our mates with a smile on her face. "We'll be back for Christmas break." I told her with a smile on my face.

"And I'll be looking forward to that." My mother said with a smile before we were all outside and getting into our cars. Nico helped Angel in as I got into my pick-up before revving it up to life and then putting my foot to the pedal and off I was.
"You know sometimes I don't know what is better, greasy diner food or Flimur's." Isabella said taking a bite of her double cheeseburger. 'Mm, depends on the day and the mood for food. Greasy food that makes normal people fat, or good food made by a house demon.'

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