|Chapter 29|

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It was baskets with red wrappers this year. Each of us has a red basket with clear wrapper keeping everything in place. Flimur had started out on the breakfast when I came down rubbing sleep from my eyes as I passed the baskets.

But still noted them. 'Seems Valentine's Day will be with you guys this year.' 'Mostly because they want some of Flimur's food.' Satan nodded. Ryne and his girlfriend Trinity were here and she was sitting in his lap. This time in a turtleneck to no doubt hide the marks on her neck.

I didn't say anything to make her uncomfortable. Ryne was finally letting her around us so we all behaved. Enyr and Lucas were at the table taking sips of orange juice. I had managed to get myself dressed despite all the information running through my head from the coffee date.

It was so much. 'But a lot of it means a lot so it's normal to feel all of that.' I had gotten myself into black leggings and a loose red material shirt. I took a seat at the table peering at what we were having for breakfast.

Pancakes; chocolate chip, blueberry, plain, and a few other choices in them along with some sausage to go with it. Flimur was quick at the food. Flipping the pancakes to make sure they were a beautiful golden and that each side of the sausage was perfectly seared on each side.

'They look good and I'm sure they'll taste just as good as they looked.' We were quiet as Flimur made breakfast. Once it was done Derik and Lyric came in next. Derik was in his typical attire of skinny jeans and a loose t-shirt of his while Lyric wore a red dress.

No doubt for him. It was a deep red with hearts on it in lace and then one of Derik's jackets. They joined us in the kitchen as Flimur passed out breakfast. I drowned my sausages in maple syrup like usual and just put butter on my chocolate chip pancakes.

With the pancakes I took a cup of orange juice along with some of my pills. Today was going to be a peaceful day. Dalton said it, my brothers said it, they all said it. Today was going to be peaceful and focused on what I was meant to be focused on.

And it was not meant to be focused on Damien and Lucian. The possibility of The Organization being corrupt. 'It will be based on the holiday of love. Practically everyone has someone now. And of course on sex because Valentine's Day is meant for people to get laid.'

I ignored Satan on that despite the fact that it was the truth. Boyfriends shower their girlfriends or boyfriend in gifts and in response they typically end up getting sex. Humans were disgusting lustful creatures, although everything with a heart beat tended to be horny and lustful. . . but humans tended to be worse.

And I knew who exactly would be doing what tonight since I knew them all so well. 'Its time like this where you regret having such good friends and very few secrets.' Honestly was something big between us, but honestly I'd like secrets in times like this.

Like I knew Trinity would be asking Ryne to bite her tonight while they had sex. I knew Enyr was going to be with Lucas loud as ever as the two decided who did who. It was disgusting knowing what I knew about their relationship. I walked in on them talking about it.

'Mm that was a perfect day for me seeing how embarrassed you were. Made Lilith and I's day for sure.' You want to be gay? Sure be gay, I could careless, but I didn't desire to know who was on top or not and I knew they both had been on top, but Lucas preferred the bottom.

Of course Derik and Lyric would be having sex tonight. If I didn't know Derik shifted into a wolf and was a werewolf I'd say he was a jack rabbit. Anytime he got those two were having sex. The two had an endless supply of passion.

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