|Chapter 5|

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Krampus was an ugly motherfucker that was for sure and I planned to make that known in the painting. School always tended to keep me up late and this painting  was as well. And man was Krampus ugly, from the pictures, even my painting.

'Well he isn't supposed to be pretty, he is pretty much Santa's evil twin.' I shrugged as I continued on the brown strokes of the Krampus. I had him dragging kids in a big bag that Santa would use for presents with a bit of a smile on my face.

With a bit of a yawn I put up the painting for tonight, I was doing some oil paint for it would give me that time frame that I desperately needed. I was painting for the last two days of the week as it made things a bit easier, and of course I did the outline the day before.

'You do like to make things easier when it comes to painting and making your life easier.' I nodded at that as I began cleaning up my work station. And then off went the paint stained clothes as I got on my pajamas that I had out.

A pair of Harley Quinn fleece pants and the matching shirt to go with it. Once I was all ready to go to sleep I brushed out my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face and anything else I had to do while my mind was polluted with college.

'Well you do have college tomorrow, so of course it is going to be on your mind. As well as the painting is due tomorrow.' I planned to finish the rest of the painting in the morning. All I really had to do was do some touch ups on it.

Fill in a few things and then I would be good. And the professor could enjoy his horror Holiday painting that will be pretty epic. With a smile I pulled the covers off of my bed as I heard Angel go into her room to bed as she took the medication Orchid provided her.

'So in the morning you have a painting to do some finishing touches up on and then a class to attend.' 'Nothing out of the normal.' So with that I got into bed pulled the blankets over me before letting sleep take over me once more.


"Mates are special, you see as werewolves they mean more than anything to us. We only get one mate, and our wolf choses the mate. Upon the age of maturity and sexual maturity; sixteen can our wolves identify a mate," The older werewolf said as I looked up jumping a little.

My eyes shifted around until they caught hint of a mirror. And it wasn't me nor Michael in the mirror, but some younger man with brown hair and grey eyes and I had no idea on who I was in. But at this point I didn't even care so all I did was relax.

"The moon goddess, Diana, she selects a handful of potential mates for us in which the wolf can identify by smell. And if they connect the wolf--- or wolves depending on who the mate is, does anyone know why we have mates?" The man asked and I sighed.

Of course I was in a dream about some fucking werewolf lesson. My eyes shifted to the paper which widened. The History of Werewolves and their maker Lucian Corbin. Fuck. "Our maker Lucian Corbin." Someone said. Was in a dream of a cult dedicated to Lucian Corbin? Out of everything it had to be this.

A cult for Lucian Corbin. "Yes, Lucian Corbin was the first werewolf. Cursed by a wolf, the moon goddess Diana took pity on him and made his wife Alina Corbin his mate. In which she later became what he was, and became his mate. They started the werewolves having mates." The man spoke.

"Our mates complete us in ways humans wouldn't understand, having a human mate is rare, but when we do, we have complete dominion over said mate, humans are weaker than us after all, Lucian turned his human mate no doubt to make her like him." He preached.

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