|Chapter 20|

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There was so many things going on inside Isabella and I's mind. Those two, the couple; Alina and Lucian came into my mind. Like a haunting place. The immortal couple was stuck in my mind as of now.  Knowing those two were out there wasn't nice.

'Well at least it confirms that they are here and we didn't take some useless vacation after all.' I nodded at that. It wouldn't be useless though, we got to spend time with Isabella. Isabella was in the kitchen drinking some green tea with a look of irritation on her face.

I smiled at her as she came back in. "So that couple no doubt Alina and Lucian, unless some other creepy ass werewolf couple is rooming here." Isabella said and I nodded at that. "It's most likely them." I said and Isabella nodded at that.

"Which means we know where they are, but we should most likely wait. They know who we are. That is certain and I doubt they believe we're just out being a happy couple." Isabella said. 'It'd be nice if we were, but can't get everything you want.' 'This might bring us closer to a reality like that once more.'

Ash of course liked the thought of that. Getting back to a nice time where we weren't worrying about the immortals hunting down Isabella or anything to that extent. I liked the thought of that as well. Finally living in peace with little to no worries.

'And if finding Lucian is what is going to bring that reality then I will happily find him and Alina.' I nodded in agreement with that. If finding Lucian meant my biggest worry being teased about being a virgin or advancing my relationship with Isabella I would gladly take it.

Being worried about things like that would be as normal as a werewolf like me could get but I would take it without hesitation in my mind. "So what do you want to do now?" I asked Isabella glancing over at her as her eyebrows furrowed.

'She seems to be deep in thought contemplating our next step of action so we don't get hurt.' She had to after all it was one of my agreements to coming here. We had to think with a level head above all else. It could keep us alive in this situation after all.

And sure leaving with an advantage over Lucian would be lovely but leaving here alive would be better above all else. So we needed a plan before we went charging into everything. A plan would keep us alive above all else and we needed to leave alive above all else.

And that was what I planned to do. Leave here alive. I knew Isabella and I could do it we we would just have to plan it more. So we would get this all under control no doubt. But most of all we needed a plan so we weren't rushing in with chickens like our head cut off.

'Which is no doubt why we are here. You tend to make much better plans than Isabella and she knows it as well.' Ash spoke the truth. Isabella was more shoot first ask questions later type of person.

"I say we watch them see what they do, learn their routine and hope they don't confront us, because if they do. . . I think we should call someone after that and prepare for the negotiation to be right on the table." Isabella said with a bit of a frown on her face.

"And without Alina to use as a bargaining chip. So yeah we should defiantly get ready for what's coming this way." Isabella said. 'Prepare for the worse type of situation to be bargaining in without a chip to use if we can't get Alina in time.' I nodded at that.

We could all agree none of us wanted to be in that type of situation but if it comes down to it. We had to be prepared how to handle it. Would we be properly prepared? No course not, nothing can prepare you to act instantly, there is always a tiny slip up eventually.

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