|Chapter 27|

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The comfort of dogs was nice. Summer noticed how upset I was and decided to hang out as Summer chilled. I gave Maryse a day off from being the emotional support hellhound and just let her do some hellhound business with the rest of them.

She deserved it. 'Her and Garrick are enjoying chasing down souls and people trying to avoid hell and deals they made.' I'm sure she was. After that day I was more than exhausted, physically and emotionally and was just calling it quits for today, nothing going on with me.

It was a lazy day for me and no one was stopping it. When Dalton called I declined it, not in the mood for anybody. Unless he was to appear in wolf form and become an emotional support werewolf that would just lay there I didn't need him right now.

As of right now I didn't need anyone except my bed, my food, a dog, and of course a toilet. My brothers didn't even bother me once realizing what caused my sour mood. Even Lucas left me to stew in anger as well as pet Caesar and Summer. . . whoever came first.

'Just a day full of dogs, and food that is bad for you health wise, but too good to pass up on a day like this.' I nodded. For dinner we had extra cheesy mac and cheese, along with stuffed burgers and then some fried Oreos and a milkshake to wash it down.

It was very fattening compared to what I typically ate. When I ate fattening food like this I always ended up working it off. But I wasn't in the mood to go work it off today. No my only intention was this bed, food, and when I had to use the bathroom.

Dalton left a voicemail to call him when I was feeling better that he had some important news for me. It was nice knowing he had some important news. 'But not enough to disturb your lazy day.' 'This is my first lazy day in years I deserve it.'

Satan didn't argue with me on that. So many people liked to treat themselves to lazy days, but I hadn't in years. So I deserved this. Summer fell asleep, Enyr letting her stay the night with me, but he had Lucas so he was fine without his dog.

Summer had gotten so big. She was shorter than Caesar, but she was a dangly thing. But Enyr let her sleep with me. 'It's not like Enyr didn't have someone keeping him warm. . .  in ways Summer can't.' I rolled my eyes at that. Of course I came home to that.

Ryne had his girlfriend over, and the first thing I saw on her was a hickey on her neck. Our eyes locked and she ran back towards Ryne's room and hadn't come out since. Ryne looked proud over it when I gave him a look. Very proud of himself.

Leaving his girlfriend covered in marks. Looking at her I know why he placed them in those spots. Each hickey or bite mark overlapped fang marks. 'A way of claiming her and covering the fang marks of hers that the vampires had left.' A way of stating she was his and not a vampires.

But I heard Enyr and Lucas last night for sure. I really did hate hearing those two. It was constantly them moaning each others names, harder, and what not. After half an hour I put my headphones in and just fell asleep to the sound of soft music.

It made it easier to go to sleep than music that was rock based. And I was thankful for that. A good sleep was what I needed at this point. 'Sleep is a good way to relax for sure. Just let your body shut down and dreams guide you to where they desire.'

I wasn't shocked for the dreams of Lucian to come. The dreams were always weird and had happened since I became an immortal. But most were just random events. . . until Damien came into view. And then they became more immortal based than ever and most of all I was never myself.


The cold wind whipped in my auburn hair as the binding leather kept me in place. I stood behind him, loyal as ever. . . she stood behind him. It wasn't me. I was never me in these dreams. She was a vampire, I could feel it as well.

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