|Chapter 7|

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"It's Christmas in Hollywood, Santa's back up in the hood, so meet me under the mistletoe lets fuck! It's Hanukah in Inglewood, the dreidel spinning in the hood, so meet by the menorah lets get drunk!" The music got louder and louder in my headphones.

The professor gave us permission to listen to music, Christmas music. 'You have a strange taste in Christmas music for sure, with all of those cuss words.' 'It's called Christmas in Hollywood for a reason.' The music continued playing in my ear as I worked on a Christmas sketch.

A fireplace with a chimney and a fire going with a bottle of eggnog. It was Christmas themed since eggnog was something you drank around Christmas time. It happened to be one of my favorite drinks and when it came out, the fridge was always full of eggnog.

From Lactose free eggnog, sugar cookie eggnog, and maybe some rum if I could sneak it in. 'But typically your busted before you can.' But sometimes I am not. And the rum eggnog tended to be quite good when I could sneak it in and I did love doing that. With a smile I continued sketching.

Soon Christmas break would be starting and we would be heading back to Greenburg for Christmas which I was defiantly excited for, hands down. Christmas was one of my favorite times of the year. For many reasons of course, there was tons of things that I enjoyed about it.

'I don't like the whole Jesus concept. Jesus was a hippie.' I shook my head. I loved all the seasonal food. The eggnog, spending time with family as well as presents. But of course everyone loved presents at Christmas, it was most peoples reason for loving Christmas.

Since Enyr and Ryne lost so many Christmas years to me they did their best to make it up. So yes I was an eighteen almost nineteen year old still celebrating Christmas like a child. And this year Storm was a part of it which was quite the big benefit hands down.

'Your uncle gets to spend tons and tons of missed Christmas's with you from now.' And that was something to enjoy hands down. So with that I continued with my sketch of the eggnog before I finished it and tore it out of the sketchbook before going over and handing it in.

The professor nodded before handing it back as I put it back in the torn out page section before going to sketching the unfinished ones. Wolves, clocks, people, and a few other themed ones. I was quiet as the clock ticked and people showed their concept sketches to the professor who graded them.

I got an A on mine as the music continued blasting through my ears changing to a different Hollywood Undead song. 'Now that is not Christmas music for sure, that I can tell you.' In response I turned down the music so no one would hear it as I continued sketching and flipping pages.

Finally the bell rang and I collected all of my things before putting them away in my backpack and getting up. I took out my Bluetooth headphones and shut off my music as I walked back to my car with Maryse at my side before we drove off.

I stopped at Taco Bell for two chicken quesadillas and some cinnamon twists and then I was back at the dorm and let Maryse run loose as Angel looked up. She was eating some mac and cheese she made. In the microwave, the lazy yet good way. Angel waved at me.

I sat down with her and went to eating my food. 'Well Lilith is happening to be summoning me so enjoy your time with el pregnant werewolf and your quesadilla and cinnamon curls.' With that Satan's presence left me as I dipped a slice of the quesadilla in the sour cream.

"So what are we having for dinner?" I asked. "Meatloaf." Angel said. "Sounds good, is it just us?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Nope Dalton and Nico are coming over. Nico is spending lots of time with me since my pregnancy." Angel said with a smile on her face which I returned.

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