|Chapter 11|

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Lycans. The most touchiest topic in all of The Organization for one reason. One simple reason that terrified them all. To the hunters vampires weren't much, sure they could spread their existence, but newborns were easy to destroy as were Forsaken.

But werewolves? 'A regular werewolf that is not a rogue typically takes multiple hunters to dispatch unless incredibly powerful. And then comes their humanity which they use against a hunters, and human forms.' It was one of the few things The Organization feared. But one thing protected them from that fear.

They couldn't turn people. It took ten months for a baby to develop, almost sixteen years to be trained, and in that time The Organization had taken care of said pack. All because they couldn't turn people. If they could they could spread their werewolf traits so much and train so easy.

'It's a thing most don't want to admit, if they could turn, they could no doubt overthrow The Organization.' But they couldn't. Well not at least until my brothers who were Lycans. Much more fearsome than werewolves capable of taking out tons and tons of hunters without being killed either.

But their turning was because of the immortal gene in them, or to the hunters a fluke of nature. And I made it clear what would happen if they killed them. I had an entire pack behind me, a coven, and all of hell, and they didn't want to take on hell.

'And now your an immortal so they really can't hurt you. I mean what can hurt an immortal?' That I didn't no nor plan to find out. But neither did they so my brothers were safe. And this caused a team to be made out of curiosity but out of the most: fear

Fear of what the supernatural could do if they rise together. Sure The Organization was equipped to take on a riot of all sorts. But an uprising of all of the supernatural. Well even if they could take it on they happened to damn everything including the world and the humans they protect.

'A reason that truce's and alliances are created. To prevent something like that from happening and ruling with an iron fist.' But Lycans were a touchy subject with nothing about them except things The Organization did their best to hide. Could I trust them? No. Of course not.

You chose the people you trusted in there after all and not all of them are trustworthy. Which is why we all have our own people and teams. But one thing was very obvious that they tried to hide away in the books until my little librarian spy caught it.

It seems they were trying to hide the existence of immortals. 'Explains why there is so little books on it.' The reason I relied on my families library so much. And those books happened to be in the pack's library so The Organization's people desperate to keep the immortals a secret couldn't touch it.

I mean did they really want to start war with Black Crescent Moon over books about their future alpha's girlfriends family books? No, they knew better than that which is why I put them there. And you had to get access to where I put the books.

Danielle had been very helpful with that as well as the pack librarian who even gave up the key to there. Only Danielle and I had it. And they would be asking for war if they attempted to torture the key out of Danielle, the luna of the pack.

'That for sure would be their destruction torturing a luna for books. They would not like what would come.' No they would not and that was Danielle and I's intention on the whole matter. Even Danielle knew they would be stupid to try to torture her, they would start a war over that.

And torturing me? Well they could have fun trying, when I send them back some dead agents then they'd know. But I knew why they tried so hard to conceal the immortals and it wasn't because of Damien or even Michael. 'No it is much more than that for sure.'

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