|Chapter 13|

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Being quiet and easy going was hard. Especially knowing that someone might be a traitor in The Organization. I eliminated a few people, mostly my friends and a few of my trusted informers. I took Victor off since he was retired now.

But then I had the rest of people I couldn't trust. 'And you have to remain a cool head as well and not go in guns blazing demanding answers.' Dalton seemed to be the one with the level head. Me on the other hand? Honestly I'd rather shoot and ask questions later.

This world was treacherous and now I had so much shit to deal with. I had Lucian making werewolves and sending them off, maybe creating an army. And now I had fucking Michael possibly in link with the hunters. Why was he in link? That I didn't have an answer for.

But whatever he was doing would work to his advantage. 'Seems none of the immortal brothers are exactly clean.' Not even Michael so now I had to go uncover everything and see who exactly my real enemy was and that slow burn drove me crazy to be honest.

People loved slow burns, I swear they did, but me? I preferred knowing things and not slowly learning them. But now I had to wait to solve all of this and it wasn't sitting well with me knowing what was going on in this world as I sat down and thought about it.

Damien was out and about doing who knows what. Lucian was turning humans and possibly gathering an army. And Michael, for all I know about him was that he might be in link with The Organization. 'And now you have to fit all the puzzle pieces together now.' I frowned at that.

What Satan said was the truth but a truth I didn't want to confront. But we had left Greenburg and had headed back to college and the relief for this being my last year of college due to the double classes I was taking felt refreshing, and Dalton did the same.

Overtime classes gave me more range on what to do with my life. And as much as I'd like to go home and just relax I doubt that would happen. Most of Dalton's brothers had a head start in college since they did dual enrollment back in high school.

'But seems to work to your advantage now with all of these immortals popping in and out of nowhere which was frustrating if I'm being honest.' Satan was right once more. When college first started damn was it peaceful since I didn't have to deal with all of this bullshit that I am now.

But after the spring semester ended I get my degree in art. And I did well in it and had an A no less which was refreshing as well. Biting my lip I brushed my hair some before getting up and heading over to the table where all of my stuff was.

Angel was out at the local pack doctor getting an ultrasound I believe and seeing how the baby was doing. 'The werewolf health thing has always confused me so I just tend to ignore it and just go along with whatever they say.' I had sort of caught on.

Common sense told you not to bring an actual werewolf to a human doctor and risk exposure which is why there were pack doctors who had more knowledge than human doctors as well.  So Angel got everything done at the pack doctors especially since werewolf babies grew a bit faster.

They were born at the same time, but they grew differently. . . or so I heard. But this left me in the apartment all alone. Class didn't start up until Monday so I was just doing some sketches and enjoying the peace and tranquility I had been handed over.

'And you sure are enjoying it, no crazy hormonal pregnant werewolf or immortals jumping at you from every corner.' Well for now at least which left me able to freely sketch and paint. And man did I enjoy it. Having all of this around me and getting to sketch and paint with a smile on my face.

Right now I was just sketching some flowers out in boredom with little drops of rain on them. When boredom came I just sketched whatever came to mind and flowers it was. Derik was on a flight back to New York with Lyric and I was just waiting for his text.

He was having me come pick him up from the airport which I didn't mind. They had fun up there and Derik got to be traumatized and be put up on a huge horse. Lyric on the other hand was full of grins while there.

'It is her home and she got to see everything important to her there.' That she did. Derik saw all of her smiles and was already making plans to buy land once they graduated and let her bring her animals up here since those two were quite advanced in each other's relationship.

Derik gave Lyric a promise ring this Christmas. And I had no doubt the two were talking about moving in with each other when they graduated. Lyric had no idea how much Derik was wrapped around her finger. 'He'd do anything for her, it's sort of cute in a weird way.'

So with that I went back to my sketching of flowers as Maryse came out. She was in her solid form as she stretched herself out before going to eat her leftover food take a drink before laying down in her dog bed as I brushed some hair from my face.

'Hellhounds are interesting since they can eat and drink human food and drinks.' Which is why I bought dog food and on occasion some raw food when I had some extra money because that raw food was expensive especially for bigger dogs. So when I wanted her to be spoiled she got the raw food from PetSmart.

At that moment my phone dinged and I looked at it, Derik was waiting for me so I got up and vested Maryse before we were out the door heading to the car to go pick up Derik and Lyric and bring them back.
Lyric had a smile on her face when I pulled up. "Don't lie you enjoyed riding the horse." Lyric said as they got in the back. "You have a funny definition of enjoy." Derik said. "You loved it." Lyric said attaching herself to his side as I drove off back to the dorms.

'Looks like they're now arguing about Derik enjoying the horse ride.' 'He probably secretly enjoyed it but wants to appear big and macho.' Satan snickered a bit. "I love you." Derik said and Lyric smiled before nuzzling his chest as I nailed it to the dorm before we arrived.

"So did you have fun?" I asked them as I helped them get their things out. "Yeah, her mom runs a cool B&B. We got to stay in the main one. It's on a bunch of land and the main one is this pretty about four story house with a bunch of rooms." Derik said.

I nodded. "And the breakfast is good. Muffins, donuts, and you can go order the special item as well." Derik said with a smile. "My mom tries." Lyric said with a gentle smile on her face. "And they have a big barn as well." Derik said.

'Seems those two had quite some fun down in Alabama, seems like you guys might have a place to go in the summer.' We had that all planned out already. Lyric already said we could go, but we'd have to pay since her mom didn't know us which was fine.

"Well we have a lot of horses to take care of so you need a big barn." Lyric said with a gentle smile as we wheeled back to Derik's dorm as Lyric went to her dorm. "So you rode a horse?" I asked and Derik of course nodded at that with a bit of a dull look.

"Yeah and Lyric put me on this huge ass draft horse, it was terrifying." Derik said. I let out a bit of a smirk. 'Seems Lyric likes horses quite much and no doubt wanted a romantic ride with her scared werewolf boyfriend.' He wasn't scared of much until he got on that horse.

"Ok crybaby lets get your things unpacked cause' I got a lot of things to fill you in on." And with that we went to work.

1423. And all of my scheduled chapters are up! Until next time schedule marshmallows.

 And all of my scheduled chapters are up! Until next time schedule marshmallows

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