|Chapter 25|

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We ran. Running was defiantly not a specialty of mine but it was what we had to do. Alina and Lucian had done more than set a trap up for us. I brought it to they heard us discussing plans.

That's the only thing I could think of. 'Lucian is quite the mastermind and likes being one step ahead of people for sure.' That he did and it royally pissed me off. I myself was used to being the one steps ahead when it came to hunting. Training tended to do that to you.

It was practically engraved into me at this point. Stay steps ahead of your enemy. Because if they got ahead of you they had an advantage. And your advantage went out the window after that at that point. Your enemy was ahead of you now, and was planning before you were.

While you devised a plan up they had theirs. 'It's a cycle of dominance and superior strength and strategy. A cycle that some cower away from and some seek out.' I nodded at that. Getting the drop on the enemy was quite the feeling, I had felt it before myself.

Knowing you had outsmarted them and made them the fool. It brought a warm feeling of victory into your chest especially when you saw the look of your enemy. None of them ever saw it coming and they were devastated when it struck them hard right in the balls and didn't let go.

Seeing that look on their face was nice. 'I know I've seen that look on my enemies face quite often, it's a nice one that I lavish in holding my power above theirs.' It made you feel supreme, and proud when you bested your enemy and got ahead of them.

I had done it so many times before. Bested rogues, evil fae, Forsaken and I always felt like the victor. Like I was on top of the world and not a thing could touch me. I had slayed so many outsmarting their each and every movement they made at that point.

And I lavished in the feeling that came with it. 'The feeling of knowing that you outsmarted someone that you weren't useless as some thought you to be.' And it was a great feeling, I would tell anyone in the world that if they asked about it, anyone the feeling.

But the feeling of knowing you lost was terrible. Knowing that your enemy had outwitted you and was now steps ahead of you. They had an advantage on you, the advantage that you so desperately needed when it came to them. But there was a certain part about the feeling that could drive you crazy.

It was when there was someone with you watching. 'Now that feeling is a tricky feeling if I'm being honest. It all depends who you are; the winner or the loser with in that type of situation.' And the relationship of the person that was with you.

Lucian felt nothing but pure pride since he was showing off to his mate in the process. And Alina. . . she soaked it in and bathed in it. And was more than happy to have helped Lucian get a step ahead of us. But I was pissed, but kept my promise.

After we were out we packed our shit and left. Goodbye Springs B&B for sure. 'Something tells me that this wasn't just any couple visit.' Yes it seems that they might of had this all planned out for us.

And it pissed me off knowing Lucian was able to outsmart me in that way. And he did it in front of Alina and Dalton. It was a personal blow in my opinion. He showed himself outsmarting me in front of his mate and Alina bathed in it you could tell.

'She was proud to have been part of the plan to outsmart you, it made her feel good. She helped her mate.' And Dalton watched me be outsmarted. And I thought we had the perfect plan formed, knock out Alina with a dart and then run as fast as we could and be out of there.

We had the perfect opening and everything. Alina all by herself in the room with Lucian gone. Maybe we let her have her spa day for too long. Or maybe they had just been lying in wait having already known our plan to capture Alina prior to us getting ready for it.

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