|Chapter 24|

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Alina stuck to Lucian's side the day of her spa day. The two made most werewolf couples look dull and boring. And Alina sure as hell brought out a different side of Lucian that Isabella and I sure didn't expect to see.

'Most mates tend to bring out a side that you don't expect in a person.' Lucian was a dominant one for sure. He made most males cower away with one look whether or not they looked at his mate. He was possessive of her and his gaze spoke levels.

If it wasn't for the alpha lines running through my veins I would of as well. One of the things about being a powerful werewolf was knowing who you couldn't take on. Since my dad raised me there was few things I couldn't take on besides my parents and a few alphas, but I was young.

But Lucian, I don't think age would ever prepare me to fight him. His towering height, big boned, but it was his skills as well. And the sheer dominance he radiated off. 'Being the first werewolf to ever be created seems to have it's advantages. He is no doubt an alpha.'

The first ever one. But Alina she kept Lucian occupied as Isabella and I pretended to be on a date. Lucian got Alina's hair done at some salon, her straight caramel hair turning into loose curls at the bottom before the two were out once more.

Lucian bought Alina the spa kit that she wanted once more. Practically anything Alina wanted Lucian got her. 'He spoils her to keep her happy and content. If she's happy and content his life is easier.' And it gives him someone to go back to when done with all of his work.

Due to us being half wolf we had instincts like a wolf, the need for companionship was strong. Both in pack and a mate. Which is why most rogues make tiny little teams, whether it be two or five, rogues preferred traveling together in easy areas to live.

'Power in numbers as well. A reason we have packs.' I nodded at that. Finally the time came when Lucian was going meet up with this contact. As suspicious as this contact was we came here for Alina. Despite that this contact could mean a lot, we needed a negotiation chip.

And Alina was the perfect one. So we waited for Lucian to leave. Alina was more than happy to have her spa day but a bit sad that Lucian wouldn't be there to enjoy it with her. Alina was one of those girls or mates who preferred doing things with her mate.

'Not that I blame her much. Doing things you enjoy are fun but even better with your mate around.' "Maybe I'll join you in the bath for this afterwards." Lucian told her with a bit of a smirk on his face as we listened through the wall as Alina giggled.

Sex talk wasn't what we wanted to hear. I tried to go to bed early because of them. Alina wasn't quiet when it came to having sex with Lucian. She was loud, but no one dared to report them due to how scary Lucian came off in the morning when they thought of it.

But it was intensified for me since I was a werewolf. 'Isabella just puts her sleep headphones in and goes to sleep with the sound of music and not sex.' I tried to do that, but the only way to not hear them was to blare the music and that distracted me afterwards.

So I just went to bed a bit earlier than usual. They typically started around 10:30-10:40 so I went to sleep from 9:30-10:20. It made my life a bit easier. Isabella was anxious as she held the supplies that we had to go after Alina.

The plan was not to harm her. 'Harming her may just piss off Lucian if he comes and she is injured, and even if she healed she'll say something.' So we had basic things that should hold her. As well as not injure her to where Lucian could see it or Alina.

Ropes with the middle made of silver. She would feel it but it wouldn't burn her but she couldn't snap them like that. It would take tons and tons of willpower to snap it and not burn yourself in the process. Sure some of us could handle the burn like that.

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