|Chapter 26|

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The look on my face was more than enough to tell Max and Noah when I came through. Despite the calm nature I presented out, the anger from how the day had gone was still present. But I kept it down with Isabella.

Isabella took it the worse so I let her. 'No need to sour her mood even more than it already is, so keep the calm face and focus on yourself and let Isabella work out her mood.' But once I dropped Isabella off, the calm position was gone and replaced with irritation.

Isabella took it personally and I knew she felt embarrassed since it happened in front of me. I may not be a love expert but I was a werewolf. And werewolves fed off on impressing their mates and that's exactly what Alina and Lucian had done, impressed each other.

Alina with catching the dart and Lucian with his element of surprise. But the fact that they had been there to bathe in their victory over us together was what upset Isabella the most. But I let it, telling Isabella she was overreacting wasn't right, so I let her get mad.

'Getting mad is a normal emotion. She has every right to be upset. Isabella believed we had a plan out that could work.' And of course those two washed it down the faucet like it was nothing. We now had a week dinging over us to take care of this situation.

Going back to get more time off from college wouldn't look well. I mean we already doubled our classes to graduate this year which was stressful. But we needed to get this done above all else. We needed to win this fight and see what the hell Lucian exactly wanted.

'Because I doubt he's just floating around to say hello to his many great niece. Doesn't seem like a thing he would do.' And the amusement Alina found told me he had something planned. That Damien and Lucian had something planned. And I didn't like this feeling anymore than Isabella did.

They wanted something to do with Isabella, but we couldn't put our finger on it yet. And it pissed me off. It had to do with Isabella. My girlfriend, my mate, someone special and important to me. And not knowing what they wanted drove me absolutely crazy as well as Ash.

I could feel his irritation just like my own at this point. 'I want to know what you want to know just as bad. And it kills me not knowing.' Patience was something I had learned with Isabella. My relationship with her had been built on patience literally. I had to master it.

One of the alpha werewolves I met in college told me I had the patience of a saint. That he would of marked his mate a long time ago, willing or not. Markings were a complicated process since not all were willing. But I wouldn't mark Isabella until she asked.

Until the words, "Dalton I want you to mark me," or something to that degree left her lips. None of them understood how I did it. Not even my brothers and even they had waited some But I wanted a relationship with Isabella, and she showed quite well her fighting spirit.

She fought the mate bond for two freaking years. Two years! 'Never seen someone do it before, but she did. So I'm sure she is more than capable of making our lives hell if we mark her without her permission.' But I knew deep down Isabella cared, she hadn't rejected us after all.

Rejection was an option. . . a terrible one, but it was one. But if your rejected there isn't no second mate waiting for you. You have one soulmate, only one person that completes you, even if your mate is to die, you won't get a second chance mate.

'Like humans we have an afterlife, and a harem isn't in them for mates.' People overlooked that. Almost all supernatural believed we went somewhere when we died. And it was bound for our loved ones to be there, and giving our soul two different halves just wasn't what the moon goddess had in mind.

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