|Chapter 30|

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"Remember my dad said nothing more than a quick survey of this place. We have no idea who is there." I reminded Isabella as we sat in my pickup truck. Isabella bit her lip as she looked at the picture of the land.

'Dad trusts us enough to just do a simple survey of the land in wolf form around it while Isabella sits in a tree.' "I know, we don't engage unless we are attacked, remember if you see one you turn and run." Isabella said taking out a bottle from a bag.

In the bottle were red shaped gummy bears. "These will completely numb your scent. It's made by Orchid and is the best of the best. And they taste good as well. Strawberry flavored, take two to make it last longer." Isabella said as she unscrewed the cap of the bottle.

We took out four of them, two for us before eating them. 'Magik comes in handy at times like this. Covering ourselves in plants wouldn't work to well. They'd still smell us moving it just wouldn't be the werewolf scent. Just the foraging scent.' I nodded at that as I ate the gummy.

Orchid's advanced magik and potions were useful in situations like this. "Besides our heartbeats nothing else should give us away, so just keep your eyes and ears peeled." Isabella said as she reached behind and took out the gun Ryne had gotten for this exact occasion of what was going on.

We wouldn't be attacking today. And the gun didn't fire actual bullets. But the gun was both for the survey of the area as well of getting ourselves into a bad situation. 'They all agreed it is better to be safe and prepared than unprepared and sorry.'

We were planning now. Isabella's dream was the only confirmation my dad needed for us to check out this place. It was about an hour and a half drive from Greenburg and in the town over was Isabella's brothers waiting for us to come back after we got notes down of this property.

With two hundred acres of woods it was huge. 'But we'll be sticking to the outlines and the gun Isabella has will be quite helpful as well.' Ryne had that gun saved for an occasion like this. Just for this and now Isabella was using it to help us out here.

It was a sniper rifle with an excellent scope that could see for miles no doubt. The rounds were tranquilizers though. Very strong ones, more so than the one we had for Alina. Now with the chance of Damien and Lucian not being our enemy we needed a nonlethal option here.

And this was the best. Unless the turned ones were to try to attack us with the intention to kill would we kill them. We would restrain them. 'Like the rest of the werewolves they had silver weakness as well, so we have quite the plan going on.' I nodded at that.

The pack had been notified and the forces gathered. We had lots of warriors and trackers and of course Kane's coven agreed to help like usual along with some of Orchid's coven. And then there was the hellhounds that came with Isabella and some of the Unseelie fae, especially since Noah's mate was Unseelie.

But now we had the first ever battle. 'A war is no doubt brewing considering The Organization could be corrupt and this just might be the first battle of this war.' Isabella looked at the sniper rifle in her hands as her fingers brushed the metal of it.

"Be careful out there." Isabella said glancing at me and I nodded at that. "You two, I'll be back in most likely an hour to an hour an a half." I told her and Isabella nodded at that as we got out of the car and looked out to the land.

It was big land for sure. Two hundred acres of it. 'With some sort of massive stone building on it that sort of resembles a castle.' And this land could defiantly hold turned werewolves that Lucian was turning to build the said army he might need to start war.

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