|Chapter 10|

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Friday came faster than expected. One moment I was skinning a rabbit that we had caught and then Isabella was at the door and we were driving off back to New York. It was weird being in New York City and not in college.

"News Year is approaching." I told her as I drove us towards a clearing in the woods. Isabella had hacked the cameras. 'She is quite useful when it comes to things like that. Her skills amaze me at times and made me thankful that I have no desire to take her on.'

I simply smiled at that. The clearing in the woods came into view and I pulled up to it and parked my truck. Maryse hopped out of the truck her paws hitting the ground as I pocketed the keys and looked at the sparse woods.

NYC was known for many things. Muggers, trash, rats that ate pigeons, rat infestations, and being dirty, but the woods? It was not known for, these woods were sparse. 'The only reason we have a place to run is because the packs came together and gave us a place to run.'

In order to sate our wolves and inner predator instincts. A bunch of restless wolves, especially male wolves was a recipe for disaster. No one wanted to open that can of worms up and deal with all of that bullshit that tended to come with. So the packs came together on a rare occasion.

'Funded a big forest for us to run in, that is private property and can't be touched. No legal force can help you with territorial werewolves desperate to keep their property.' Agreed there. And these woods reminded how ugly humans could get with the world and how much disrespect they did.

The woods were barren and dead trees littered around. There wasn't much trash, but it was probably from the lack of humans coming here. The wood was old and creaky as we passed trees with no leaves and the long twisted limbs reaching out slick with snow weighting them down.

It was not a pretty forest to be in. Like something out of a horror movie where killers laid in wait for their foolish victims. This was a place teens would come for a dare. A haunted forest. And the killer would strike and take it's first victim offered.

'If there is a killer here I pity it. A werewolf and an immortal packed to carry an ambush of tons of soldiers.' Isabella had her pistols with clips and clips of ammo. Her revolver with bullets in her pocket of her denim jacket and then the small weapons that she had in sleeves and boots.

Isabella was always prepared to take on an ambush, then combine that with her training, immortal given gifts, and then the fire of Satan. Well you got someone you don't want to fuck with. Although most tend to underestimate Isabella which is most likely ends up as a fatal mistake.

'She's short, doesn't weight a lot. So what would they have to fear of her? A lot, it's always the short ones. Vicious beings.' I smiled a bit at that as Isabella and I went through the woods quietly. Isabella's silver swirled eyes were watching the woods carefully as she held her pistols.

"Keep an eye out. . . or anything else for anything suspicious." Isabella said cocking her gun back and taking the safety off as Maryse went off to go track. My senses enhanced as I let them run over me where I typically restrained them to live a bit easier.

The most vibrant scent was one of decay. The trees were decaying, animal carcass was decaying. "Seems the animals haven't survived any better than the plants." I commented. 'This place reeks of death and decay. Makes sense if they're hanging around here. Secluded, and twisted.' I nodded at that.

"Isn't that nice." Isabella muttered as we passed a dead coyote's body. It's neck was snapped at an odd angle which put Isabella on edge. Coyotes typically didn't fight amongst each other, and wild wolves preferred more alive woods. So there was something else out here. . . hunting for fun.

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