|Chapter 12|

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Isabella came over the day after we entered 2020 with a journal in her hands as I looked over at her raising an eyebrow. "What's this?" I asked as she set it down. "A journal." Isabella said and I nodded at that. "I can see that." I teased her.

"What's the journal about?" I asked and Isabella ran a hand through her hair. "Immortals, Damien, and Lucian. Most importantly what Lucian can do." Isabella said and I nodded at that as I opened it to read. "So your documenting everything to look back on?" I asked.

"No I'm making sure The Organization can't keep quiet. I think some of them are trying to erase the immortals from history." Isabella said. 'Can't exactly do that when a new immortal is around now can they?' I nodded at that. "Do you think they're betraying you?" I asked.

"Not exactly, but I think they're afraid." Isabella said with a bit of a smile. "Afraid of what?" I asked with curiosity at the subject. "So werewolves to them are the biggest threat, I mean you come in packs, are extremely skilled." Isabella said complementing us quite much.

"The Organization is like Superman and werewolves are the kryptonite. But they always had that one advantage. Werewolves can't be made. It takes ten months for a child to be born and almost sixteen to be trained. Until now of course." Isabella said her tone going a bit darker at that.

But she spoke the truth. 'Lucian is bending all werewolf law physics it seems. . . or maybe that's always been the physics we just evolved past it and lost the venomous bite.' I nodded at that. But it sort of made sense what Isabella was saying or at least to me as she voiced the concerns of the hunters.

"But Lucian can turn werewolves, it barely takes any time to do so. Maybe the full moon at the most, then he trains them and can teach them to be excellent warriors. . . or send rampage beasts out into the world." Isabella said.

I nodded at all of this. 'Most information that we know, but not all know it since most weren't with Isabella when she discovered all of this.' I was though. "If Lucian wanted to he could launch a full out attack on The Organization, it would take only a year to completely overwhelm every headquarters not only in America but the world."

Now I could see quite the problem forming. "And The Organization has never tasted a loss since they've formed now have they?" I asked. "None, back when the immortals were alive, The Organization didn't exist, but once they disappeared, it rose." Isabella said.

"But numerous encounters speak of a silver eyed man killing supernatural, and he wasn't a hunter. I believe the hunters have interacted with Michael Corbin a few times. Plenty enough, they just may not known who he was." Isabella said and I nodded at that while watching her.

'Something tells me to be doubtful about the not knowing part. Almost all supernatural know that silver eyes isn't a common color.' Silver was afflicted with the immortals. Although now a days silver was overlooked until Isabella's existence got out in the world now no one ignores it anymore in case an immortal may be abound.

"What if they did know who he was?" I asked Isabella. "Are you suggesting The Organization is corrupt?" Isabella asked. "I'm not trying to cast stones, but they do seem hellbent on concealing the immortals, and why would they want that?" I asked and Isabella nodded.

"It's important history and most stories don't contain Lucian's bite. Most of because no one really knew about it. All they knew was that one moment it was Lucian and then there were hundreds of them." I told her. 'No one knew why but panic takes away the curiosity element when they're trying to kill you.' I nodded at that.

"What if they're not hiding it because they feel the need to. Have you noticed something?" I asked Isabella watching her with blue eyes. Because there was something I had begun to notice. And I'm sure she would reap good benefits from it as well.

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