|Chapter 33|

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"Push Alina forward and I'll push him forward." Lucian said his pale blue eyes peering into mine. "How do I know you'll actually push him forward when I push her?" I asked. "I really hate those questions. I am a man of my honor." Lucian said.

"I won't lie or betray the deal. Maybe I'll even push forward Dalton first. But are your a girl of your word?" Lucian asked with distaste etched on his face. I kept my word. As useful as Alina could be she wasn't worth Dalton's life. Nothing was.

I moved the dagger from her throat. Almost instantly the burns from the silver healed. The bubbles up spots swelled down and the red faded to pink and then the fair porcelain shade of Alina's skin. She healed, and she healed fast. I was amazed on how fast she healed.

The moment the silver was lifted from her skin her body began repairing itself. I had never once in my entire life and hunting career see a werewolf heal that fast. And from a silver burn no less. But Alina healed it like it was nothing. She was a turned werewolf.

I pushed her forward. I knew the story. Lucian ran away in fear of harming his wife after the curse he received. And supposedly the moon goddess took pity and split his soul in half giving the other half to his wife and vice versa. It's how one of the mate stories came about.

But Alina was still human. So Lucian turned her into what he was; a werewolf. All the turned werewolves we had met had been out of control. Bloodthirsty beasts that Lucian's bite had created. It was hard to believe Alina was one of them. Nearly impossible to believe.

Those beasts that roamed outside had the same fate Alina had. At the jaws of Lucian. I suppose Alina would of been turned anyway considering the moon shaped mark on her neck. It seems like modern werewolves, Lucian marked his mate as well. Her mark was in plain sight.

Sitting right on her collarbone, a pale blue color. I knew Alina was a turned werewolf. She was too strong to be human. And when she looked at me her eyes turned black briefly as she smirked at me. If they betrayed me. . . oh hell had no fury like mine.

Lucian smiled at Alina before he removed the dagger from Dalton's throat. Dalton moved quickly to where I stood. I swear he nearly ran. Alina walked calmly her dress swaying with her movement and the heels of her boots clicking against the stone floor.

Click, click, click.

Alina was more than happy to attach herself to Lucian's side. "I assume my brother told you about me. Ill things I presume, trying to make him appear like the better brother and me the monster?" Lucian asked. He was lying. The both of them were, and they thought I didn't know.

Dalton looked at me. The burns on his neck were healing. Slowly. But healing. I knew Damien and Lucian were trying to make everyone believe they hated each other. Seek to kill each other. Most of all make Michael believe they seek to kill each other.

Those 3 hunted each other through the times. So while Damien and Lucian 'fought' Michael no doubt plotted. I almost believed it as well. Hell if I was Michael I'd be doing the same thing as well. As those two sought to destroy each other come up with a plan to destroy them.

And I believed that as well. . . until the dream. Lucian's eyes kept me in sight as he waited for my answer to his question. I thought of the path I should take, Lucian was playing to hating Damien, should I play along with it as well. Or break away from it.

Because I knew the truth. And those two didn't hate each other. They had an alliance, and tolerated each other. I saw through what they were trying to hide and I felt damn proud for being able to do it. With the help of one of my dreams though.

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