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Kalani's POV

"Kalani let's go. I promise you will enjoy and if you don't, I promise I will buy you breakfast tomorrow." My best friend declared trying to soften me up.

"I don't party Eva. Let alone go to a club. And what if I see someone my family knows or even Luke? What if he is there?" I complained, picking up past exam papers trying to revise.

"K, what would your brother be doing in New York?" She looked at me questionably, pulling the papers away from my face.

"Partying?" Knowing fully that my brother doesn't party. And it came out more a question than a statement.

"Okay, now we both know that won't happen. Kalani comes on." She groaned seating on my bed.

"Eva this is peer pressure. If I say no, I mean no. Plus too, I have an auditing test in three days." I semi-pushed her out of my bed.

"That's the point K, to breathe. Before the big test." She came back at sat on my bed.

Well, a fruitless idea this is. I thought to myself.

"No, I am not going and that is final." There is no way I will let her pressure me like that. I'm better than that, way bigger than that.

"Fine...don't go. Then I will have to tell Jake that you have a crush on him." She stood up, flipped her hair.

"You wouldn't dare," I said, looking at her shocked.

She stopped and looked at me. "Try me." She pressed her lips and folded her arms.

"I can't believe this, and to think I call you a friend." I muttered, and she just smiled.

"Fine, I will go, but I won't drink." I closed my books and I rubbed my eyes yawning.

Well, so much for not being pressured...

"Then why are you coming? The point is for you to get drank." She threw her hands on the air in defeat, rolling her eyes.

"What? That is crazy! Eva, I can't. Please, I just can't drink." I looked at her with my big hazel eyes hoping that she understood.

"Fine, but just one glass." I sighed. I can never win with this girl and her persuasive personality.

"Ok." She smiled.

This wasn't me at all. I don't do clubs and parties because I know that if I got bad results, my bursary was gone. I got a bursary to study at New York University for I.T auditing. I got my degree in internal auditing and I was given a chance to go to New York.

Originally I am from South Africa, Durban to be exact, and I studied at the Durban University of technology.  I am an average girl from a normal family of six. We are not rich to say, but we are not poor either. I live, well used to live, with my mom, dad, and my two brothers and sister.

Kolini is my twin, and then there is Luke and Brian. Luke is the oldest, then there is Kolini with me, and then it's Brian.

Luke is into computers and he has his own I.T company back at home called M.J Logistics. Which are mom's and dad's initials, Morgan-lee and Jason. And I guess you could say, he is the geek of the family. He was the one that inspired me to do I.T auditing. He made it look so easy and cool.

And I wanted a challenge. Something way out of my radar. Then there is Kolini who has a boutique. She is the fashionista of the family. She sells clothes and beauty products. And Brian who is in his last year of schooling.

So that's my family. And I guess I was always the quiet one. Luke has the brains but is far from being quiet. He is what I call a 'playboy'. And I think girls find him 'hot' or so they say. He doesn't tell people what he does because I think he doesn't want to have people asking him to hack laptops and phones.

Kolini is just her. She speaks her mind and doesn't care about what people think about her. I love her for that. And if what she say's hurts your feelings, don't think she will apologize for being 'right'. Brian is like me. He is smart and quiet. Ok, he has a social life and I just don't.

But he still is quiet. Then there is Evelyn Penelope Summers, my best friend. Or should I say, the only friend that I have ever had since kindergarten (Told you I was anti-social) And I guess you could say she is the opposite of me. She parties like a wild animal, and wherever there's a party, there is her within the party.

She drinks and smokes and pretty much does everything that a typically 23-year-old can think of doing. She wears shorts and short skirts and I think she has that 'I don't care attitude' like Kolini. While I, on the other hand, am comfortable in jeans and baggy shirts, she doesn't approve of the way I dress. She says I am slowly killing the little fashion sense that I have left.

I met Eva the first day I got to my dorm. She was the girl next door and I was lucky enough to get my compartment. So from time to time, she would come and greet me and ask me how I have settled in or what's not.

She became the big sister I never had. And I guess it became our thing, she would come over and ask how I was doing and we would end up talking about our lives and how we have lived. And for the past few months, I have known her, I know that she is filthy rich and that she has a mansion house that is waiting for her and a company she has to take over.

She is doing her thesis in biotechnology. I still don't know what that does or what it is, but I know you get big bucks for it and she is so good at it. No, she is perfect at it to a point where she even teaches other kids this course. And still, she has time to party and get drank. I know that she has a very handsome-looking brother, Jake whom she threatens me with every time I don't do what she wants.

The first time I saw Jake was when he came to see Eva. I hit my head on a tree while walking because I was looking at him. When I got to my dorm I told Eva, only to meet this dude 39 minutes later. Now it's not that I was counting, but I just kinda knew what exact time it was.

And she has taken advantage of me ever since. I know that her parents own a few hotels around New York and one or two clubs to be fair, and I know that she loves colors. Like I have never seen her real hair color. She always dyes her hair. This time it's pink.

A few weeks back, it was orange and the list goes on. I on the other side had plain black hair with olive skin and hazel eyes, a thick body, and I was short. She had pale skin, thin lips, sea-blue eyes with a touch of black highlight, and an amazing slim body.

I didn't hate my body. I loved it. But Eva made me hate it every time I saw her figure. She was just so perfect. And no, I don't envy her life. She may have the perfect body, perfect car, filthy rich parents, and even an amazing house waiting for her, I think my life is doing ok too. And my parents tried everything they could to make me realize that I was loved and that in my family, was the most important principle of all, love.

Hey guys
So I am writing a new book and I know it's crazy how I have two unfinished books and here I am posting another. But I couldn't help it.

I do hope this book is an improvement from the two I have written.

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