Chapter 14 Understanding

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Jannh pov

I kept lying to myself, pretending that everything was okay, I tried to get lost in working, I took every available shift, volunteered to be in charge of every complicated case that nobody else wanted.
I tried my best to get lost, after I lost him.

" Sombody wants to speak to you docor " The nurse said to me, words that never brought good news.

" I'll be in the lobby in a minute" I replied mindlessly.

I went to the lobby and it was
Mr Sullivan, I was about to turn back and pretend I never saw him, but my feet disapproved.

" Doctor Jannah, it has been along time " he said.

" Yeah, it has " I said in a cold manner.

" You don't seem like yourself ???? " he asked.

" Ask your friend??? " I replied.

" I know what happened between you two, and I'm here to fix things " Mr Sullivan said.

" Fix what??? There is nothing to be fixed" I said.

" You know that's not true, don't lie to yourself" he said.

" Maybe in the past but he killed the rest of it " I said.

" I can understand your anger, he abandoned you at the time you needed him the most, but you need to understand that he had to " he said.

" Had to???? I don't understand" I asked.

" When he found out that Falcone knows about you, and that he tried to get to him through you, he decided to drive you away to keep you safe" he said.

" But he broke my heart!!!" I said.

" It killed him first " he said.

" So that was his plane to save me, by losing me!!! " I said.

" James can be naive sometimes, I know him like the back of my hand, I worked for his father since he was a child " Mr sullivan said.

" He can be as stubborn as a rock also" I said.

" I know, he is like a younger brother to me " he said.

" But he needs to understand that keeping me away can put me in danger too " I said.

" That's why he is keeping an eye on you " Mr sullivan winked.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" Look behind you " he said.

I looked and there was a big man with sunglasses sitting to the table behind us.

" That's a personal bodyguard of James', he is here for your own protection " he explained.

" I can't hate him for what he did, but he needs to understand that I'm still mad at him for treating me like that " I said.

" I understand, he understands, why do you think I'm here?? " he said.

" He sent you?? " I said.

" Yeah, I couldn't see him Go through what he is going through right now and not intervene, he has been insomniac since that day he had met you, he is angery at everything including himself, He needs your forgiveness " Mr sullivan said.

" I forgive him, he did that for my own good, or at least what he thought was my own good, the one who loves doesn't know cruelty " I said.

" You are truely what he says you are " Mr sullivan said.

I blushed like a teenager.

" But there is one more thing Dr Jannah, he can't speak to you or see you until this storm passes peacefully, okay?? " he asked.

" I understand Mr sullivan, don't worry" I answered, smiling.

" What a lucky man James is to have a lady like you in his life, I wish I were younger to steal your heart " Mr sullivan said winking, then he got up and left.

I can't deny that it gave me a huge relief to understand why James acted so weird.
He cared about me, about my safety.

That was the only logical explaination for him to try to break my heart.
And I understand, I'd be a monster If I don't.

One week later

The next week passed peacefully, no sign of Falcone or his men.

I kinda became friends with the bodyguard that kept following me like my shadow.

How you May ask despite the fact that I never spoke to him???

I started to feel sympathy for him, I avoided the crowded places, walking for long distances, and everytime I'm out of his sight, I'd start giving him a sign to make him notice me so he wouldn't panic.

A weird kind of mute friendship.

After all he is putting his life in danger for me.

One day I was walking home from my shift, as my apartment wasn't that far away from the hospital, the street was almost empty.
I noticed that there was a van following me, I didn't care because I knew If there was anything wrong, the bodyguard would deal with it.

Suddenly I heard some shots fired, I looked back and the bodyguard was on the ground lying in a pool of his own blood, I was about to scream when I felt cold hands on my mouth preventing me from screaming.

Another man was wrapping his hands around me lifting me up.
Suddenly I felt a sting on the side of my neck.
After a minute or two of struggling, everything went black.

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