File: 104-935 (Updated)

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Name: Y/N L/N

Species: Titan-Earthling Hybrid

Species Info: Unknown

Unique Ability: Future Vision

Special Ability: Titan's Flame

Unique Ability Info: He has the ability to see the future. Since his body shifts with his vision, his organs and muscles can't handle such a leap. He spits out a lot of blood which may result to his skin becoming pale and his strength weaken on a limited time. He can see the future which happens in a week, but never over a year or two. He can train his mind and body to see the future further and take a lesser toll on him. With enough mental training, he might look into the future as far as he wants without suffering any injuries.

Special Ability Info: This flame is ignited once the Titan is born. Titans give off an invisible aura around them. This kind of aura is manipulated by emotions.

-Happyness: If a Titan is happy everyone near them is too. Only affects persons that have a deep social connection with them.

-Sadness: Titans rarely get sad and/or deppressed, but when they do. The people that know the Titan try their best to comfort him/her.

-Anger: Their flame fully ignites, colouring the aura around them in shades of red. This aura can physically burn anything in radius (Loved ones cannot be hurt by it). There are even more noticable changes like the colour in their eyes and skin. They also get a significant power boost.

-Hatred: If a Titan hates you, you are basically as good as dead. If a Titan's hate and anger is mixed, they get a major power boost. The aura around them is shown in the color of fire or pure red. The power can cause changes in appearence. Mostly eyes or muscle structure in their body. This aura is basically fire, but it's stronger than normal fire. It can burn everything it touches except for the Titan who's igniting it (God KI is immune to it). The more hatred and anger the Titan has for someone, the stronger the fire. This fire also tenses up the muscles which gives them strength and speed beyond their original levels.

-Love: The aura can attract certain persons that the Titan could possibly love. This kind of love counts for their family also. When the Titan finds his special one, they are inseparable. If by any chance the special one dies by someone and the Titan see's it. They lose all sense of morality and their sanity.

-Insanity: This is very uncommon among Titans. When they go insane their body makes a sharp sound of cracks. The sound is like when a bone breaks. The Titan's body slowly breaks and repairs itself. Their organs switch places, bones shape differently and their overall body turns into something else. Every Titan has their own change. From what I've reasearched, the brain sends information about their worst fears or someone, something they would never want to become and the body accepts them and manifests them. It's like getting new updates on a game. Strength, speed, intelligence also change.  

Those are the essential emotions, others are irrelevant.

Likes: Family, Hugs, Sleeping, Cuddling, Oranges, Flowers (Particularly roses) and Fresh Air.

Dislikes: Lying, Malice, Getting angry

Personality for friends and family: Kind, Caring, Cheerful, Happy, Proud

Personality for enemies and bullies: Brutal, Vengeful, Hateful, Annoyed

Info: Y/N is the first Titan-Hybrid and probably the last. He is the reincarnation of the Saiyan named Bardock who had the power to see the future. Which means that he has the same power too. Recently I have fought against him and collected some of his blood. This Y/N has the most humanly looking blood. That may explain why he is the most sane out of all the previous Y/N's I have worked on. Maybe because he actually has someone to love. This Y/N hasn't yet mastered the Titan's transformation. I have been closely observing him. He seems to know how to approach his enemies physically and mentally. Strategy is his strongest capability. In his younger days he was incredibly social. When it came to bullies he always knew how to outsmart them or....overpower them. In highschool he didn't look for a girlfriend, only friends. He didn't want to be the "popular kid" in school, but he ended up as one. There were all sorts of girls that had a crush on him and he ignored them. He saw something in Goki which made him love her. His skill in fighting is above average. He mainly aims the joints in the arms and legs. I have tested his endurance on physical and emotional pain. After several hours of torture he can take a lot, but his emotions are weak. That is the only way to actually break him.

The reason why I chose to experiment on Y/N is because he is unique. Titans are the only species which don't posess adrenaline in them, but Y/N does. This is why Y/N can become so strong. Adrenaline is like a last resort. It gives strength and high pain tolerance to the owner. It triggers when the owner is panicking. Adrenaline and Titan's transformation, oh and Bardock's future vision combined! That kind of power can go up against a GOD!!! A Titan also has a long lifespan (like 1050 years). Now that I think about it.....I know now why Zeno ordered the Gods of Destruction to kill them all. They are too powerful. Lets see what will Y/N do when he encounters Beerus!

I will research further tomorrow


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