Chapter 33: Destruction

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Y/N Pov

I woke up, escaping the nice dream. My face was buried into my arms so I lifted it. I rubbed my eyes, trying to rub the sleep away. I was still tired.

'How long was I out?'

I felt two arms wrapped around my waist and a head resting on my shoulder. It was Goki. I looked at her. 

She had a small smile on her face. She let out soft snores while taking light breaths. I smiled at the sight. 

'She looks so adorable.'

I leaned in and kissed her forehead. Her smile brightened. I wraped my arm around her shoulder and closed my eyes... Until I opened my eyes at the sudden realisation.

'Wait... She isn't supposed to be here.'


My eyes widened from the shout. It sounded like Beerus. This reminds me... Beerus only gets angry cause Buu doesn't give him pudding. But... He ate pudding and Buu is nowhere to be seen.


Now that sounds like Yamcha... Oh no. I darted my eyes to the argument. Yamcha was sitting on a plastic chair that's next to the wooden table, holding a, what looks like a... Cheeseburger. Beerus was right in front of him.


Wait... Buu didn't give pudding to Beerus... When I changed the timeline by not inviting Buu and giving Beerus pudding... So this is the exact same situation... But the only differences here are that Yamcha switched places with Buu and instead of holding pudding, it's a burger. Could it be possible that the timeline is somehow reseting itself?

Yamcha: Well, what would you do if I ate it?

Beerus: You wouldn't-

Yamcha ate the burger in one bite. After that he sucked the melted cheese that was on his fingers. He shot a smirk at Beerus' face. Beerus responded by closing his eyes with his fists clenched. I cringed at the thought of what's going to happen next. The wooden floor boards cracked beneath his feet as a purple aura engulfed him.

Beerus: You've angered me enough... 

'Oh hell to the FUCK NAH!!'

I immediatly stood up, escaping Goki's grasp. I ran in front of Yamcha who was paralised in fear. I spread my arms apart shielding Yamcha. Even if he deserves to get beat the hell up for what he's done.

Y/N: Wait Beeru-

He flicked me in the forehead, launching me straight into the wall of the boat. The force he used made me fly like a bullet. I crashed into the wall back first. I slid down the wall feeling the pain coming from my forehead and my back. I sat down and grunt in pain.

I was in disbelief by how much strength he wields. I mean... I know I saw it in my visions, but it's another thing when you actually feel it. I tried to stand up, but I failed from the sudden crack in my back. I'm fully immobilised.

Beerus: Your two hours passed long ago...

Yamcha: Hey, don't flick my friend!

He said while pulling his fist back. He recoiled and his fist collided with Beerus' face. The only problem with that punch was... He didn't even flinch. Beerus glared at him before punching him straight in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. Yamcha held his stomach as he struggled to breathe. He fell face first down on the wooden floor.

Earthling And A Saiyan (Male Reader x Goki)Where stories live. Discover now