10) Team 7

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Anko's leave into her new mission had signified a week of boredom for Sasuke. Without his old team there was no fun, no planning, no training or even joking around. His peaceful days were spent walking around konoha due to Anko warning him about spending his time learning a new jutsu without her.

On the other side of the spectrum. Sakura worked diligently and carefully to make her teacher proud. After learning the basics of how to seal a minimal cut, she was tasked with learning the layouts of a human. Each medical shinobi was to be tasked with this chore and she spent her nights with lights on, reading, revising, repeating, eating and occasionally yelling out loud to her parents if they complained about her newfound sleeping habits.

For Naruto, after three full days of complete boredom filled with showing his teacher his previous tricks to get him on the right tracks Yamato devised a taijutsu training for Naruto.

One day he pitched it to Naruto and before he could question what this was to accomplish, the teacher rocked the grounds and sprung about pieces of wood along the floor. With each strip passing him, Naruto was to fail, complain and then be forced to try again ten minutes later.

Yamato decided this so that the young boy was eager to train and within an hour Naruto was growing impatient, but stronger by his new abilities to avoid Yamato's wood attacks.

If it went on his right, he would dodge left. If it went on his left, he would right. It it swerved in another directions, he would jump. If it went up after, Naruto had a deadly battle up against the flying strips of wood above.

The next day, Yamato had stopped using fear on Naruto and the two relaxed since they both enjoyed seeing who could last longer or shorter.

"Can we train using my Taijutsu again?"

"Taijutsu?" Yamato laughed, "We still need to go over basic attacks and stances. I'm just getting you used to avoiding my attacks and then we should soon be ready to work on our next bit!"

"What about improving my other jutsu?"

"In due time. Be patient."

Just like he had stated the day before, the two had found a common interest and as they lazed around the training ground on their break, a question sprung out of nowhere.

"What's that ramen place you keep begging me to go to?"


"After today, I'll treat you!"

"Yes!", Naruto sprung up in a tall jump.

Yamato smiled as his student celebrated in triumph and not soon after a sound was heard up above.

"Are you sure your training him Tenzo?"

His eyes widened and just like Naruto, he sprung up from the ground to see Kakashi and a raven-haired boy beside him; the boy looked to be around Naruto's age.

"Oh Kakashi!" Naruto took his notice, "I assure you I'm getting my training. Right...Tenzo?"

Noticing his fake image was being ruined, Yamato appeared beside Naruto with a scary mask on his face.

"What was my name?"


His arm grabbed Naruto's shoulder, "My name please!"

Noticing the fear being leaked out, Naruto quickly answered, "Yamato Yamato Yamato Yamato Yamato Yamato!"


Kakashi felt a slight tang of mixed feelings watching his friend acting in an unusual way but he disregarded it and looked over to the boy beside him.

Naruto: Reunion - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now