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I haven't talked to Elijah in a long time. I try to tell myself it's for the better. I need to focus on my job and I can't have my thoughts flitting to Elijah every few minutes. I feel like I have been very successful in the passed few months. The rebellion is up 30 members. Still not the numbers I would like but it's a start.

Spying for the Colony is going good as well. Or it was. We have given a lot of information and the Extorians naturally got suspicious. They went through their files and noticed the line from Headquarters to the Colony. They wiped their files clean and I am no tech genius and so I can't get the com line back.

So I haven't talked to America in a long time either. The Brights are trying to sniff us out but we have been careful to cover up our tracks.

"Do you think we should stage our escape?" Indiana asks me.

"No. Indiana we have been over this we are waiting until it is absolutely necessary to leave."

"Lorelei are you sure this isn't a personal reason?" Indiana asks.

"Are you trying to accuse me of something?" I ask.

"No Lorelei but I'm thinking that you are scared to talk to Elijah again. Believe me I get it. I haven't seen my Fiancée in about 7 months. She has a baby. Everything will be different but I am ready to embrace the difference."

"It's not a personal reason. We need to have as many Extorians in the Extorian rebellion as we can." I try to explain.

"Okay Lorelei," he sighs.

"I need to go think." I tell him.

I walk out of the room and down the hallways. I get sympathetic smiles from many of the Brights. Apparently they are a sympathetic species. You wouldn't have guessed but they are.

I know what they say behind my back.

"Oh poor Lorelei. She got left by her people and boyfriend. I'm pretty sure she still loves him."

I hate their sympathetic looks. They make me sick to my stomach. I walk into a room that looks empty. I curl up in the corner. Indiana is right. We are staying here for a personal reason. I feel guilty about it. Indiana wants to go home to see his child and I'm not letting him.

I look around the room and spot something familiar. It looks like an older model of our transmitter. I walk over to it.

"Woah." I say blowing dust off the old thing.

My brain starts going.

I find the on button. I take off my glasses for a second. I look at the transmitter again and realize that it's in English. I gasp. This was taken from one of the Colonies.

I press the button and the Transmitter roars to life. I look in awe. How did this old thing still work? The lights start flashing and indicate that it was recording.

"I-um I want to have a picnic and I want you to join me in three days time." I press the send button.

If the Brights get this they will just assume I was sending out something random. However I am praying that Elijah gets this. To anyone else these words wouldn't mean anything. To Elijah they might still mean something.

I just hope he remembered which hill we had our first date on. My whole plan is riding on this.

I rush out of the old room and to Indiana's room.

"Well that was fast." He said looking at me.

"I need you to grab something for me." I tell him.

That was our code for I need to talk to you off camera. We can usually hide what we are talking about on camera but somethings just can't be risked.

I lead him to the exit. We sit on the roof of Headquarters.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" He asks.

"I found something when I was wandering today."

"What did you find?"

"I found a transmitter. I sent a coded message telling where we'd be in three days."

"Wait three days?" Indiana asks.

"Yes Indiana. We are going home." I smile.

Indiana grins at me. We slink back into Headquarters. He and I discuss our plans in hushed voices. We will have the numbers again since the soldiers are out fighting another battle with the Colony. I decided to do the exact same plan. We will raid the Training Center and Arena. Then break out.

"You and I need to call a meeting." I tell Indiana.

"For sure." He agrees.

"Also no more Sedatives Indiana." I tell him.

"Lorelei, girl, I have a job. Just one and that is to keep you alive for as long as possible."

We spent the next hours spreading the word of our meeting through encoded messages.

We all meet in the designated room.

"I know you all are wondering why I called you into a meeting. I'm sure you all remember the last prison break out scheme. You know back when you all were still loyal. We will be staging our own. It will be even more epic than the last one!" I announce.

The room erupts into cheers.

"Oh stars! Guys keep it down. We are supposed to be a secret organization." Indiana scolded.

"Who here can shoot a gun?" I ask.

I am actually very surprised when the whole room raises their hand.

"Who has fighting experience?"

Again everyone raised their hands.

"Oh stars. Where did you guys get fighting experience?" I ask.

"Our trials." Someone answered.

"Hold up. You Br-Extorians had trials before the humans came along?" I ask

Everyone nods their heads.

"Welp. Okay. Anyway we will be breaking out tomorrow morning during the guard shift." I tell them.

They all nod their heads and talk amongst themselves. I lean over to Indiana.

"Did you know they had Trials?" I asked him.


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