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Elijah is distant. I can tell by one glance at him. His posture is stiff which means he is either sore (which is highly unlikely) or he has something big troubling his mind. I'm thinking it's the latter.

"Elijah what is going on?" I ask him as he stares into the sunset.

"It's bringing back memories of last year." He stares into the red sky.

Elijah is a good liar. I could almost accept that except that Elijah didn't hesitate to tell me.

Elijah has a little trouble letting people into his life so he always hesitates to tell anyone anything. Including me. That means it is a cover up for something way more important.

"Okay." I look back to the sky.

The sun is going down a lot faster than I thought it would have. The sky is already deepening into a purple color. It fascinates Elijah who has seen this before but it took weeks longer than that.

"How does the sky change colors so fast?" Elijah ponders aloud.

"How does the sky change colors?" I countered.

We fall into a comfortable silence as we sit with each other. For the first time since we left Cambaar I relax a little. Actually for the first time in almost a year and a half now. Ever since I got on Cambaar it was go and work all day long everyday.

I could never take even a small minute to just sit still. I would either be getting long needed sleep or stressing about what to do next. I can feel Elijah is still tense next to me. I place a hand on his shoulder and he looks at me. Then the door opened.

"I had a feeling I would find your two here." America interrupted my relaxing.

"America what do you need?" I groan.

"For you two to sleep. We are going back to Cambaar on one of Orion a's new shuttles. They are way faster and they will only take four hours to get to Cambaar which means there will be no beds or showers. So get ready for the plane ride." America informed us.

"I guess they decided we deserved an upgrade." I mutter to myself.

"That and we need to go help our colony get back on it's knees." Elijah chuckled.

As we walk down the stairs to our bedrooms America talks about things the Chancellor told her.

"The Atomic Bomb will be constructed in about 8 days and we will fire it as soon as possible. We just need to keep the Brights out of our Colony for as long as possible so we can get that Bomb built." America informed me.

Elijah had kind of zoned out. I wonder if he is okay. Hopefully he is okay. I can't have him brain dead before the war is over. America drops me off in my room and I immediately get into the bathroom. Now that I am actually taking care of my hair I've noticed how many split ends I have.

I have no idea why the idea of it bugs me so much but I grab a pair of scissors and start cutting. My hair has always been thick but I guess I didn't know how thick until I started cutting it. It was like sawing through the flight manuel on the darkness.

However I was determined to cut it off. I sawed and sawed until I was holding my ponytail. My hair was just below my chin now. It looked weird. I've never had my hair that short.

I examined the cuts and it was a little uneven but otherwise it looked okay. I threw away my ponytail and ran my fingers through my shortened hair. It felt weird to have such short hair. However somehow it felt more like me to have shorter hair. At least I was using the scissors for something more healthy than what I wanted to use them for. I sighed, what would Elijah think? I was the one he was supposed to be able to depend on. Instead I've rebounded and it is almost worse this time. What is he supposed to think? What am I supposed to do? All I know is that the darkness that has been chasing me for two years has me in its grip and is threatening to drown me.

Even though the cuts were uneven I still felt a little better about myself. I get into the shower and it amazes me how much less soap I need to wash it. I wonder what Elijah will think of it. Maybe he will like it or maybe he will see through the front I'll put up and see the awful meaning. I finish up my shower and get into the pajamas I laid on the counter. I felt clean for once.

I already know that Elijah is going to question me when he sees my hair. What am I supposed to say? Sorry Elijah, but I just hated myself so much that I needed to change something about me. Plus on the bright side at least I used the scissors for a more healthy reason. How am I supposed to tell my boyfriend, who I just promised I wouldn't hurt myself, that I'm having symptoms of depression again? Exactly, you don't.

After the light was finally gone I got into my bed and just slept. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was like going to sleep after a marathon and then showering. When you are exhausted and you realized just how comfortable your bed is.

However it was all over way to soon. I was awakened by someone shaking my shoulder. I really didn't want to get up because it felt like I had just fallen asleep.

"No." I groaned without opening my eyes.

"Come on Lorelei we need to back to Cambaar." America told me.

I opened my eyes and they needed to adjust to the darkness surrounding me.

"Fine just let me get dressed." I told her.

America left my room and I finished packing my things. The last thing I packed was Elijah's jacket that was still sitting on my chair. I haven't given it back but he hasn't asked for it yet. I should probably give it back soon.

I threw on a uniform and I combed my fingers through my hair. It amazed me how untangled my hair was when it was short. Also now that it wasn't as long it didn't spiral into curls it was wavy. I have to say I like the change.

"Lorelei can I come in?" A voice asks me.

"Sure." I answer Elijah.

He walks in and takes in my new appearance.

"Wow. Lorelei your hair looks beautiful." He compliments me.

"Thank you. I decided I needed a change in my life." I sighed.

"Well it looks good. Did you cut it yourself?" He asked me.


Elijah grabbed my duffel bag and walked out with it.

"Excuse me sir but that is mine." I tell him.

Elijah turns around and smirks at me.

"Don't you dare." I warned.

Elijah takes off with my bag. He was at least heading in the direction of the plane so that was good. I took off sprinting after him. He was fast but that was my stuff he left with.

I eventually caught up with him and I was trying to get my stuff from him but he wouldn't give me it back. 

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