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Here's the thing. I felt really bad about not being able to go help out Indiana. However I also didn't want to possibly wipe out our entire civilization.

Indiana was mad at me on the Com. I could tell from his tone of voice that he was one, exhausted and two, really really mad at me. I guess I will just have to survive knowing he is mad at me than to kill everyone.

Tori doesn't want me doing anything but working on a cure. That and manipulation of the virus. I'm getting a little worried that we aren't doing a good enough job. Don't get me wrong, Sage is a really good doctor but he just isn't getting the cure.

Sure he has made some breakthroughs but it's just not enough and Faed is getting worse and worse as the day wears on. I'm getting really worried and it's stressing me out. Tori, I can tell, is getting stressed out as well.

It's not good enough for her to just be working on the cure. She wants to help with the manipulation but we can't allow her to do that. If she works on the manipulation than she can get sick and we won't have enough time to make a cure before she dies.

We can't risk one of our best doctors to a disease we are making. That is if we can manipulate it. The Brights have an advantage. This is their home territory. All of this is new to us. The virus, the guns, the terrain.

All of this isn't helping us in this war. Thank the stars we have Orion A or else we would have lost this war a long time ago. They really have helped us in every way possible. Speaking of which, I wonder when Lorelei and Elijah will get back from Orion A.

They have been gone for a while and I don't think it would take to long for them to hack out a negotiation of some sort. However I have never really been in the political scene entirely so I could be really wrong.

"Hey Alivia. People are here to talk to you." Tori enters the lab I work in.

I pull off my lab coat and goggles before walking to the door. I know we can't open the door but there is this nifty little device that allows me to talk to the people outside the door.

It's kind of like that device you see outside old Sol Earth apartment buildings. I press the button and ask who is here to talk to me. The glass walls are whited out because no one can know what we are doing in here.

"It's Lorelei, Elijah and Indiana." Lorelei answered me.

"Oh goodness." I mutter under my breath.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while pressing the button.

"We want to talk to you. It would be better to tell you to your face." Lorelei coaxes me.

"I'm sorry but I can't." I answer coldly.

I can't allow them in right now. No matter how badly I want them in.

"Why not?" Lorelei counters.

"I just can't Lorelei!" I snap.

"Alivia." She tries to calm me but I can't be calmed right now.

"No Lorelei. I don't want to talk to you right now. I need to work and not be distracted by people." I yelled at them.

"So we are just people to you know?" She asked me softly.

I was about to protest but I stayed silent.

"Your husband, the father of your child, your friends, we are just people now?" Lorelei guilt trips me.

Lorelei is a master of manipulation and guilt tripping. If I'm not careful I will give everything up to her.

"You were always people." I countered her emotion filled voice with an emotionless one.

I know it is cold but if I push them away now they won't come back and bug me more.

"I refuse to believe you think that my best friend." Lorelei worked her magic.

I have to admit my heart softened a little but I remind myself why I needed to push them away.

"Liv. Your baby, our baby, she misses you. Please come back to us Livia. I miss you." My husband's voice does stuff to me.

I want to break down the wall and jump in his arms but thinking of my husband and my baby going delusional makes all thoughts of that go out the window.

"I can't" My voice breaks.

"Honey, I'm sorry if you are mad at me but I need you. I'll be a better husband if that's what you need. Just tell me and I'll do it. Liv I need you." Indiana pleads with me.

"Indiana, it's for your own sake that I can't leave." I groan into my hands.

"Just tell me what's wrong." He coaxes me.

"I'm sick okay. I got infected by that stupid bioweapon and now I'm quarantined." I almost yelled at them.

They remained silent for a little. I think they were shocked. I'm the one who is never in danger but here I am, dying. Maybe Faed will pull another miracle and come up with another vaccine that will save me like he did for Indiana.

I can only hope but I'm losing faith because as it seems he can hardly stand.

"Listen, I have to get back to work. I need to find a cure because it's not only my life at stake." I sigh.

"Who else is infected." Indiana asks me.

"Sage and Faed. Faed is further along than me and Sage and his skin has already started to rot." I inform them.

I can almost see Indiana visibly cringing. Indiana had suffered skin rot while he had the poison of the bug still in him. Now even at the slightest mention of it he gets nauseous.

I do to. It's really gross. It took a few days before all the skin rot began to clear up on Indiana's skin but it was awful to look at. I could tell it was hurting Indiana as well. He would wince when his shirt shifted on his body.

Like I said, skin rot is awful and I can only imagine what Faed is going through right now. Surely something awful.

"I wish you the best of luck." Indiana answered me but I can tell his mind was far away.

Indiana is plagued by memories of what happened while he was under the control of the bug's poison. He doesn't remember it entirely but every now and then he will remember something and when he does he will go quiet for a good few hours.

I always remember to be near him during these times because he really needs comforting to remember that it wasn't him who did all those things.

I guess I do have something to be grateful for though, Indiana doesn't remember fighting and so he isn't being kept up at night from hearing gunshots from far away places. 

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