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Things are weird around here. Something happened in that meeting Alivia went to. When she came home she climbed back into the bed and cried. I tried to comfort her but she pushed me off the bunk bed.

I took Luna Rose and gave her a little space. Things in our bunker are weird now. The tension is high. I walked over to where Alaina and Willow are bunking and sit on their bunk bed.

"Excuse me dude, but that is my bed." Willow pointed to where I sat down.

"Sorry Willow," I apologized.

Her face softened. She sat down next to me and Alaina sat on the other side.

"What can we do for you?" Alaina asked me.

"What happened in that meeting of yours?" I asked them.

I figured if anyone would tell me right now it would be these two. They have the loosest lips. I could see Willow cringe a little and that is what gave them away.

"I don't know. We both fell asleep in our coffee cups." Willow laughed.

They were lying. It was so obvious. The way Willow's cheeks flushed. Alaina's eyes meeting mine and then flicking away. These two are awful liars.

"Right." I nodded my head.

If even these two wouldn't tell me it must mean something serious. Maybe if I could get ahold of Lorelei and Elijah they would tell me. I decide to try that.

"I'm going to see if I can talk to Elijah and Lorelei." I explain to them as I get up.

"Sorry we couldn't be of more help." Alaina calls out to me.

I shrug it off. Even they know when they need to keep their mouths shut. I walk to the control center that is always bustling with activity. However today it seemed strangely empty. I walked up to one of the workers at the computers.

"Do you think I could radio Lorelei and Elijah. It's urgent and only one of those two can answer." I explain.

"Sure let me just get the communication line to go to Orion A." the worker smiles at me.

"Thank you."

While the communication is traveling through space I sit awkwardly trying to avoid small talk. It can be a little unnecessary at points.

"So, Indiana what are you thinking of the Chancellor's plan?" The technician asks me.

"What plan?" I ask the man.

"Oh stars! I didn't mean to say that." The technician covered his mouth.

"It's fine, but what plan?" 

The technician knows something and I'm going to find out what it is.

"I can't say." He covers his mouth again.

He looked like a child who had slipped up and cursed in front of his parents.

Then the computer chimes.

"We are ready for you now." The technician tells me.

I walk into the radio room. I start the large radio that can reach so many miles.

"Orion a? Come in Orion a." I speak into the radio.

A minute later I receive a transmission. I press play.

"We hear you loud and clear Cambaar." The technician tells me.

"Can I talk to Commander Lorelei Jameson and Lieutenant Commander Elijah?" I sent another message.

"Right away Cambaar." They respond.

I waited an hour before I got another transmission from Orion A. I guess they couldn't find Lorelei and Elijah for some reason.

"This is Commander Lorelei Jameson and Lieutenant Commander Elijah reporting from planet Orion A." They sound funny so serious like that.

It's weird hearing them in military mode. They so rarely are serious about anything outside of work. I'm surprised they even got away long enough to talk with me.

"This is Private Indiana. I just have a question regarding your knowledge of our plans." I tell speak into the radio.

"Sure what do you need to know Indiana?" Elijah asked this time.

It sure is strange to talk to Elijah and Lorelei over the radio but I guess this is where my life had lead me.

"I want to know what the big plan is that has Alivia sobbing and refusing to look at me." I tell them.

There is a long pause between their answers. I timed it and it was 10 minutes of just sitting around waiting for them. 

"I shouldn't even be telling you this and god help me if you ever tell anyone else this. I could lose my whole job for telling you this so don't you dare slip up and mention it." She threatens me.

I'm a little worried now.

"The big Colony plan we have is to drop an Atomic Bomb on the Bright City. I didn't want this to happen but we just barely got outvoted in the council room. It was really even but the bombers pulled through." Lorelei sighed.

I could tell this has been on her mind for a long time. I don't think it is allowing her to enjoy her vacation very well.

"Thank you for telling me." I say after it sinks in.

"No problem. Listen Indiana, stay out of the center of attention and don't sign up for anything. Stay with Alivia until we get back. I have to go know. I will explain later." Lorelei tells me.

Now I have more questions. Mainly I'm worried about what Lorelei and Elijah know. They sounded really urgent over the radio. I don't know what scares me more.

The Atomic Bomb or the secret Lorelei and Elijah have. Those two sounded like they had aged ten years over the radio. I mean, they still wouldn't be that old, 26, but still.

They scare me a little.

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