It Only Takes a Moment

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[Hello, Hello Dolly reference.]



"So just go ahead and tell him you love him," Hoseok says with such simplicity and ease.

Eyes still red from the tears that stained them that dreadful afternoon, you sniffle lightly. "I-I can't just love someone overnight, Hoseok."

"You did not just say that..." Hoseok trails off in disbelief. "Did you not hear a word that I just said? Or what you said, for that matter! Y/N, this is his life we're talking about."

"We still don't know that!" You try to argue.

He sighs, lifting his arms up with creased brows. "Do you really have to be sure? Look at how much pain he's already been in."

"I-I can't just lie to him," you say. "Wouldn't that just hurt him more?"

He quiets with a distressed look. "You mean to say that you don't feel anything for him? Not even the most platonic of love?"

You're silent, staring down at your lap. "I-I don't know."

Hoseok stands up, a tight-lipped smile on his face. "Just think about it Y/N, okay? Just for a moment; that's all it takes."

Then he leaves.

And you're left with your mind even more cluttered.

With Hoseok's apartment right beside yours, you hear the door faintly open and close as he enters his own.

Then you make out a muffled voice.

Immediately, you stand up from your seated position and press the side of your face against the wall that is his apartment on the opposite side.

You listen for his voice.

Even if you can't see his face, make out his words, just hearing him would be enough.

Hoseok talks and you can easily decipher his sound, and then there's another.

As much quieter as it is, you can still hear it.

And you know and love the noise that flows through the wall and into your ear upon each word he says.

But then it's gone.

They've probably gone into a separate room.

That doesn't stop you from pressing even harder into the wall that doesn't budge. You listen, wanting to hear him just once more. Once more...

A pang of sadness washes over you all over again, and you wish and wish for him to come back and say just one more word.

Then you back away from the wall, stopping your unrealistic thoughts.

You were just nearly brought to tears again today... and just because of his voice.


"I'm sorry about yesterday. I think I owe you an explanation," you apologize for the tenth time to Jungkook as he walks out of the shop with you after his shift.

"Don't worry about it, Noona. I'm just glad we found him, right?" He asks, smiling widely as you walk down the street.

You tense up a bit more. "Did he... say anything to you? The night he stayed with you."

"Like what? I guess he was pretty quiet," he notes.

"Why he was sad?" You ask quietly.

He adjusts the bag on his shoulder. "He was crying when I saw him running past the shop. I asked him if something had happened, but it was pretty clear he didn't want to talk about it. Something must've really messed him up, though. I've never seen someone so depressed as that in a long time."

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